Book 1 U4 Earthquakes Vocabulary Revision. earthquake.


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What happened? earthquake.
Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading.
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(Should we help do chores at home?)
Presentation transcript:

Book 1 U4 Earthquakes Vocabulary Revision


Please write down words or expressions related to the topic “Earthquake”.

n. suffering,survivor, damage, shelter, disaster v. ruin, destroy, damage, rescue, trap, bury, shock, injure adj. frightened, frightening, shocked, homeless, injured phrases: in ruins, dig out, a large number of

On April 14, 2010, a serious earthquake ___Yushu. hit struck happened inattacked broke out in occurred in

It ________about 2900 deaths and injuries. Cause Deathabout 2900 Injury13000 led to caused resulted in

It__________a lot of buildings and the whole county was________. destroyed in ruins

The soldiers _________ many people who ______________________ ( 被困和被埋 )in ruins. rescued were trapped and buried

Many people ____________money to the people in Yushu. Local residents and survivors have ______________( 从 … 恢复 )the disaster and great changes have taken place in the county. recovered from donated

Suppose you are a reporter, how to cover the disaster logically? Are there specific orders to describe an event?

① It caused/ led to about 2900 deaths and injuries. ② On April 14, 2010, a serious earthquake hit Yushu. ③ The soldiers rescued many people who were trapped and buried in ruins. ④ Many people donated money to the people in Yushu.Local residents and survivors have recovered from the disaster and great changes have taken place in the county. ⑤ It destroyed a lot of buildings and the whole county was in ruins. ② ----the occurrence of the event ① ④ ⑤ ---- the course/ development of the event ③ ----the influence of the event

Typhoon Fanapi

Group work—writing 假设你是某报记者,请根据下表提供 的信息写一篇英文稿,简要报道台风 Fanapi( 凡亚比 ) 的有关情况。

时间 2010 年 9 月 20 日 袭击地点台湾,福建和广东 灾害后果 1. 造成 55 人死亡;数百人受伤; 42 人失踪。 2. 大量房屋倒塌,近 26 万人无 家可归。 3. 多次航班被取消,道路封闭, 供电、供水中断。 救援工作灾情一发生,官兵们立即展开 救援工作。

On September 20,2010,Typhoon Fanapi hit/ struck Taiwan, Fujian and Guangdong. It caused /led to 55 deaths, hundreds of injuries and 42 people missing. A great number of houses and buildings were destroyed, leaving as many as people homeless. Many airlines were cancelled, the roads blocked and the water and electricity supplies cut off. In order to rescue those who were trapped in the typhoon, the soldiers arrived and began working immediately.