Contributions of the Greeks
Greek Architecture Parthenon 3 types of columns
Golden Age of Pericles After the Persian Wars Only in Athens (not Sparta) Only 60 years The ideas from this time are still copied today in the Western world
Pericles Rebuilt Athens after the Persian Wars had destroyed it Built the Parthenon as a temple to Athena
The Parthenon - temple to Athena
Doric - simple
Ionian - fancier
Corinthian - fanciest
Drama Greeks invented comedies (funny plays) and tragedies (sad plays) Two famous writers of plays: Aeschylus, Sophocles
Poetry Homer wrote epic (super long) poems that told stories Iliad and Odyssey
History Herodotus—wrote history of the Persian Wars and Trojan War. He had the new idea that historians need to do research Thucydides—wrote about the Peloponnesian War
Sculpture Phidias—studied human bodies so his statues looked more real Made the Athena statue for the Parthenon
Science Archimedes—discovered the principle of the lever and the importance of the fulcrum –“Give me a lever and I can move the world.”
Science Hippocrates—father of modern medicine. He believed that people got sick because of physical reasons, not because the gods were angry.
Math Euclid and Pythagoras -- geometry
Philosophy Socrates: “I only know that I know nothing.”
Philosophy Plato –Student of Socrates –Wrote down conversations with Socrates –Wrote many of his own ideas –Taught the next great philosopher, Aristotle
Philosophy Aristotle –Organized all animals –Math, science, thinking –Taught of Alexander the Great (military leader)