Character Trait: Positive Attitude Based on pages of What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide to Building Character by Barbara A. Lewis
What does this mean? choose one’s own attitude “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s own attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” -Viktor Frankel
Consider Helen Keller “An illness left Helen Keller blind, deaf, and mute at 21 months of age. Although she lived in a world of silence and darkness, she became a voice of hope and light. It wasn’t easy for her. She struggled in her mind to find a connection to others, a door to the world. When she did, she held the door for others, making it possible for many people to believe in themselves.”
Consider Malcolm X “When Malcolm X was in prison from , he could have vegetated. Instead, he spent those years educating himself. He copied every word from the dictionary, learned about the Black Muslims, and became a convert. Upon his release from prison, he drew national attention for his writings and powerful speeches.”
10 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude
1. Choose to be Optimistic The optimist sees a glass of water as half full The pessimist sees the glass of water as half empty. Choose to see the glass as half full!
2. Accept Things as They Are Don’t struggle, whine, and bang your head against a brick wall when things don’t go right – behaviors that make you the helpless victim Some things will never change, but you can choose how to respond
3. Choose to be Resilient Trees that bend in a storm continue to stand Like a tree, you can bend and sway and bounce back again supported by your strong deep roots.
4. Choose to be Enthusiastic Greet each day with excitement Hang around people who are enthusiastic Use affirmations Example: “I can do this!”
5. Have a Sense of Humor Humor is the best medicine to help you maintain a positive attitude Laughing increases endorphins, a chemical that is known to make people feel good Laugh at yourself Be silly
6. Be a Good Sport Being a good sport means losing gracefully – smiling, shaking hands with the winner, not blaming other people or circumstances for your loss
7. Be Humble Don’t toot your own horn Pride comes before a fall Let others notice your good qualities
8. Be Grateful Focusing on your blessings helps you maintain a positive attitude
9. Have Hope Without hope, life has no meaning Hope keeps you going when times are tough
10. Create Positive Self- Fulfilling Prophecies A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true Example: The instructor of a college class goes over the syllabus. The student figures the best he can get in the class is a “B”. He ends up getting a “B” in the class. Make your prediction positive!
Activity Cards
On Your Own