1 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 AP Short runs in the Anticentre Phase B till March 30th Priorities among AP None yet in the centre……
2 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 HD Quite poor and unknown…. HD Prim Targ. Cand. HD G5III HD F5V HD A2V HD ,83 K0V HD O8.5V HD O6 HD O5 HD O9V HD O8 HD M0III Hipp var HD G7III HD K1IV HD B9V HD Be HD A1p HD G5V
3 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 AP targets in the field of HD AP-EXO Table
4 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 NGC 2264
5 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 NGC 2264 Seismo field Dor
6 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 AP in the field of NGC 2264 ST Mon Mira 11.4 IS Mon Algol 12 FX Mon Mira 12.8 F6 Hipp var F6 10.5…..g or sg?
7 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 SdB: KPD Very poor field for seismology KPD
8 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 SDB KPD Ap KPD Quite interesting for seismology Ceph Ap but 9.5
9 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 Observation scheduling Change in planning: launch October 15th --> Creation of Initial runs (AB) Decision on initial runs -the prefered fields (MD) possible sismo pointings (EM) Targets of LRc1 and LRa1 In the sismo field (EM) In the exo field (MD) For the Aps (WW) Planning for decisions on short runs APs End of phase B march 31st, priorities Sismo exploratory programme (EM)
10 Annie BAGLIN, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 2005, CW9 A New Strategy for the first semester --> Initial runs for sismo and exo 2 or 3 45 days runs, at least 2 and a back up Anticentre Preferably in the regions where exo data exist To be decided early April Launch July 06 First rotation oct 06 Instr. tests 1 st Short run IR2 IR3 ? IR1 Launch Sun Earth orbit