How do you respond to situations? You can choose to respond in one of 3 ways.


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Presentation transcript:

How do you respond to situations? You can choose to respond in one of 3 ways

# 1- You can respond ASSERTIVELY Involves describing your feelings, thoughts, opinions, and preferences directly to another person in an honest and appropriate way that respects both you and the other person. It enables you to act in your own best interests, to stand up for yourself without anxiety. Assertive behavior is direct and honest.

What is Assertiveness Behaviour Direct and honest Respect others Stand up for your rights in helpful ways

# 2- You can respond AGGRESSIVELY Involves expressing your feelings indirectly through insults, sarcasm, labels, putdowns, and hostile statements and actions. Aggressive behavior involves expressing thoughts, feelings, and opinions in a way that violates others’ rights to be treated with respect and dignity.

What is Aggressiveness Behaviour Blaming Threatening Fighting Stand up for your rights but in unhelpful ways

# 3- You can respond PASSIVELY Involves saying nothing in a response, keeping feelings to yourself, hiding feelings from others, and perhaps even hiding your feelings from yourself. Passive behavior is often dishonest and involves letting other people violate your personal right to be treated with respect and dignity.

What is Passiveness Behaviour Be apologetic Give up your right by not being honest Do what you’re told regardless of how you feel

Don’t copy down the next slides.

Why do we look at these communication styles Stress and anxiety can in part be a result of how we feel about interactions with other (both the worry before and the worry after an interaction with others happens) Being aware of how you and others communicate can help you navigate social interactions better.

So what is the best style? Assertive This type of communication shows respect for others and for your own feelings.