School and Classroom Rules
It is important to be silent in the hallway so that we do not bother other classes.
School and Classroom Rules We use good manners because they make people feel good and because they show other people that we know how to be nice.
School and Classroom Rules If you learn from your problem you will change the way you act and try to do better.
School and Classroom Rules When an adult corrects your behavior; realize that you’ve made a mistake and then try to fix the problem.
School and Classroom Rules A good decision to make would be to say you’re sorry and try to do better.
School and Classroom Rules You make a problem for others when your behavior stops others from “learning.”
School and Classroom Rules Blaming the teacher is a bad idea because the teacher didn’t make the choice for you.
School and Classroom Rules Teachers show you they care each day.
School and Classroom Rules If you respect someone, then you treat them like you would like to be treated.
School and Classroom Rules Self-esteem means that you like yourself and are proud of yourself.
School and Classroom Rules We are quiet in the cafeteria because the cafeteria is for eating.
School and Classroom Rules If the teacher must leave the room, we always remain seated because it keeps you and your neighbors safe.
School and Classroom Rules When any adult/visitor enters the room lower your voice to talk.
School and Classroom Rules We raise our hand to speak because it’s impolite to speak when someone else is speaking.
School and Classroom Rules Your teacher sends you to take a note to the office. Mrs. Chapman is standing in the hall talking to a parent/adult. You should go straight to the office.
School and Classroom Rules You are standing in line in the hall. You just noticed that you still have your pencil. You should raise your hand and wait until the teacher gets to you.
School and Classroom Rules You are in line and you feel someone bump into you. You should ignore it because it was probably an accident.
School and Classroom Rules Someone is talking to you in line, you should ignore them and tell the teacher they won’t stop.
School and Classroom Rules You receive a low conduct grade on your weekly report. You should go home and tell your parents what you did to earn this.
School and Classroom Rules Explain why it is important to follow the rules and procedures everyday.