HW: Study for test tomorrow. Lab packets due tomorrow. Do Now: 12/22/15 Take out your Seed Article HW Take out Fruit and Seed labs to go over Using the Plant Lab Sheet provided, gather your labs in the order they are on the list
Hooked, winged or Eaten, Seeds Get Around Joan Lee Faust NY Times Seeds moving around
Help spread the seeds around and new plants can grow where seeds fall Coconut Wind and waves Orchid Family Wind Wind or people blowing them around
When the pod is touched, even slightly, it bursts open and shoots seeds everywhere Fruit They have winged propellers- wind carries them Ovary
Ovule Eat the berries and pass through the digestive tract and onto a germination site Oaks Carry them places for winter, whatever is not eaten may sprout Eat right away and spread the germination potential
Protection Will not sprout even if conditions are favorable 17. Starch is present
Yellow Wider at one end and narrows to the opposite end Pointed Oval shaped Yes
The continue the species Kidney beans garbanzo beans sunflower seeds Food grow new plants manufacture chemicals (grain alcohol) Bean Starch indicator
Protein To grow Temperature water oxygen
To attach the flower to the main stem 5 5 Part of the flower stalk where the flower attaches
Ripened ovary B/c it is not derived from the ovary Sepals
yes yes 3-4 Acidic
Outside Depends on size Greater than strawberry More seeds allows a greater chance of survival Able to germinate ovary
yes yes 3-4 Acidic soft
The flower from the tree Rhizome- underground stem No Yes 5 Acidic
No Sepals 5-6 Fertilized eggs, seeds Ovule Ovary
Pear Oranges Mango Plantains Squash Peppers
Provides protection Taste sweet so animals eat them and pass them through digestive tract Food Farming/Livelihood Apples Banana
Growth regions of the plant Controls the opening of the stomates Root that forms from embryo Conducts materials throughout the plant Supports leaves and flowers Allows for gas exchange, located on underside of leaf
Xylem- water and minerals Phloem- nutrients To increase surface area fro absorption Roots Transports water throughout the plant by evaporating water vapor out of the stomates. Provides the most force for water to travel farthest The process where the amount of one substance affects the other
Photosynthsis ATP K+ ions actively pumped in water concentration decreases water flows in guard cells swell stomata open Oxygen water Carbon dioxide Controls gas exchange in the plant Plant hormones for cell growth and elongation Auxins are produced on dark side of stem, causing cell elongation and the plant bends toward light Positive= towards stimulus Negative = away from stimulus
Pollen forms pollen tube and meets ovules in ovary Transfer of pollen Pollen forms pollen tube and meets ovules in ovary To attract pollinators Attract animals to eat them, surviving digestive tract and transferring to new locations Temperature Water Oxygen Asexual involved roots and stems- offspring are identical to parent (1 parent) Sexual involves flowers and are not identical to parents (2 parents)
Germination, growth of plant, development of flower, pollination, fertilization, seed dispersal Petal Stigma Anther Style Filament Ovary Sepal Receptacle/Pedicel
Leaf Microviewer lab
Leaf Microviewer lab