Reason, motive, manner Estar _____ means “to be inclined to” In favor of/in support of to express an opinion or estimation Expressing indefinite time After: going after or to get something Cost of something Means of transportation For the purpose of/in order to Various fixed expressions Thanks for something Working for someone else (not normal paid job) Expressing movement (along, about, by, through) Noting time duration when something happens When followed by an infinitive expresses what remains to be done Exchanging one thing for another
To indicate a specific end time When followed by infinitive means “in order to” Estar…… ______ means “to be about to” or “to be ready to” With a noun or pronoun as object, meaning for the benefit of or directed to In the direction of when referencing a specific place Meaning by or for when referencing a specific time effect: Frida painted in order to express herself comparison: For a girl, you sure are tall. For the purpose of/in order to with a noun or pronoun as an object, meaning for the benefit of Paid employment purpose: Paintbrushes are for painting future: dates, deadlines, and events that something is for recipient: This present is for you Meaning considering or in the view of To indicate a personal reaction