Model after the Archetype, Beowulf
You have been hired by Marvel Comics Your job is to create a new superhero with all the qualities of Beowulf.
Brave Great warrior Kind Protective Honest Handsome Dresses differently Possesses superhuman qualities Has a flaw
Anglo Saxon Society Brave Strong Honest Superhuman like persona Boastful
Values Bravery Honesty Courageous Save the innocent Dresses differently We want a hero who can do it all.
Eight Panels Must include the plot elements Use kennings. Flash comes to the aid of his fellow citizens The Hero ArrivesThe fight begins….
Must include a pursuit of a higher goal by the hero, a quest where the hero rights a wrong, saves a nation, or rescues a number of victims. Elements Exposition (Background information / setting/character) Conflict Complication Climax Falling action Resolution
Grendel is the archetype for monsters or Villains in general. You must have a villain that your superhero will defeat.
A different type of dressing (He must be able to stand out from the rest of the population) Don’t forget the weakness or flaw.
I need money…I know..I’ll rob a bank! No! I will not let you.
It is ok to do the art work on a computer. You may trace You may physically cut out pictures from a coloring book, magazine, or newspaper.
Good vs. Evil Do not copy an existing story. Be original. Do not get cute. No Sponge Bob like characters. If you are not sure, ask! DO NOT MAKE YOUR SUPERHERO “TOOTH PASTE MAN VERSUS TOOTH DECAY.”