12 SEPT 2014 Bell Activity: #1. Take out your bookmarks. Fill in the total pages and the total minutes read this week. If you have a second bookmark, staple it behind the blue bookmark, combine your totals and write them at the bottom of the blue bookmark. Today’s Agenda: Submit bookmark Correct spelling Submit spelling work SPELLING TEST Out of place sentences Complete yesterday’s t-charts & paragraphs
12 Sept 2014 Steelheart Brandon Sanderson Sept 2014 Mitosis Brandon Sanderson Fill out both bookmarks with totals. Staple bookmark #2 behind bookmark #1. Add together the total minutes and pages and write it on bookmark #1 130 min 325 pages
12 SEPT 2014 SPELLING: #1. Take out your spelling work. Staple it together in the following order: top = copy of page 12 & worksheet bottom = bookwork on your own paper. #2. We will be correcting the work in class. Pass your work in a clockwise direction 2 people in your group. #3. If someone in the group doesn’t have work to score, they Won’t be scoring someone else’s work. Instead they will be reading. YOU MAY NOT WORK ON YOUR SPELLING WHILE WE ARE CORRECTING IT.
Page 13, 1-24 & page 14, 1-25 answers on your own Paper
Travis is an unusual individual. One of Travis’ unusual traits is his intricate knowledge of his favorite superheroes. He can quote the number of times that Dr. Banner has turned into Hulk during the 1990s and describe Iron Man’s childhood. Even odder is his detailed knowledge of the family members of his favorite superheroes. For example, he knows that Peter Parker’s Aunt May was one of the only female fighter pilots during the Korean War and that Lois Lane is actually a second cousin to Jane Foster. He even owns a sealed copy of the original Wonder Woman comic book. Another unusual thing about Travis is his eating philosophy. He believes that there is no such thing as a breakfast food, lunch food, or supper food. He’ll eat tuna sandwiches for breakfast if the mood strikes. He often eats pancakes for lunch. He frequently goes to the movies in his pajamas before supper. When it’s finally time to go to bed, Travis will have a big bowl of Cheerios.