PDHPE is important for students as it teachers them the values and attitudes necessary to make informed decisions on their health and wellbeing.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives. PDHPE is one of the 6 key learning areas in the NSW primary curriculum. The aim of the syllabus is to develop the student as a whole. This syllabus is based on a broad notion of health that encompasses all aspects of an individual’s wellbeing, inclusive of social, mental, physical and spiritual health.
R ATIONALE... As society is changing it is important to teach students the importance of leading healthy lives. As it is clear that with Australia’s growing number of obese children it is essential that we teach them the skills to maintaining mental, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing. PDHPE programs play a unique role in the development of students’ knowledge, understandings and practical skills that lead to better health. The ability of individuals to adopt a healthy lifestyle may be affected by the social and cultural context in which they live. Student learning is enhanced by an understanding that health is the responsibility of all parts of society. Through promoting the fundamental principles of diversity, social justice and supportive environments, individuals and communities are better able to act for positive health outcomes.
Benefits to PDHPE in Primary Schools: o Encourages an understanding and valuing of self and others. o Promotes physical activity. o Emphasises informed decision making leading to effective and responsible action. o Physical, social, cognitive and emotional growth and development patterns. o The development and maintenance of positive interpersonal relationships.
‘Healthy Kids are Active Kids’ PDHPE plays a key role in developing healthy active children whilst giving them the tools to make informed decisions to lead healthy fulfilling lives.