Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Establishment of the Environment Quality Standard for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Establishment of the Environment Quality Standard for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environment Offices for Implementation of water controls and monitoring Environmental Quality Standards for dangerous substances relevant for the Slovak Republic Bruno Pennelli, Supreme Health Istitution– Rome (IT)

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Situation in the end of the previous twinning project SK02/IB/EN/01 UNIVERSE OF CHEMICALS: 652 SUBSTANCES (307 chemicals and 345 pesticides) Assessment of relevance for chemicals 12 relevant pesticides 47 relevant chemicals (of which, 20 without point source assessed) 80 industrial sites involved Assessment of relevance for pesticides

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Relevant hazardous substances, without EQS ButylhydroxytoluenDesmedipham BenzensulfonamidDibutylphthalate benzo(b)fluoratenDiphenylamin BenztiazoleEthofumesate benzo(g,h,i)pyrelenFenantren difenyl (fenylbenzen)Glyposate bisphenol AMPCA ClopyralidPendimethalin Styren

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Recent EU-Developments: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC Implementation of Dir. 2000/60 EC, in consideration of pollution prevention and control with regard to chemicals in surface waters; Definition of 41 EQS: from that 33 priority substances plus further 8 substances (13 “priority hazardous substances” are included); These 41 EQS derive from Risk Assessment and their reference values are to be respected until 2015.

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Resulting situation : 15 EQS lacking ButylhydroxytoluenDesmedipham BenzensulfonamidDibutylphthalate benzo(b)fluoratenDiphenylamin BenztiazoleEthofumesate benzo(g,h,i)pyrelenFenantren difenyl (fenylbenzen)Glyposate bisphenol AMPCA ClopyralidPendimethalin Styren Verification of compliance with regard to EQS established Slovak Republic

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Operative program 1.Search for EQS 2.Search for ecotoxicological data 3.Analysis

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Operative program: Search for EQS Do there exist EQS set by EU Member States with reference to 15 substances relevant to Slovak Republic? Do these EQS derive „through“ a Risk Assessment, in line with Dir. 93/67/EEC and/or 91/414/EEC? Does there exist compliance with requirements of Dir. 2000/60 EC? Insert into database

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Operative program: search for ecotoxicological data Do there exist ecotoxicological studies regarding the substances stil lacking EQS? Are the analysis within GPL? Are these tests in line with relevant framework directive (OECD, USEPA, ISO)? Is this quantity of information sufficient in order to establish the EQS in line with Dir. 2000/60 EC? Insert into database

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Operative program: analysis - tender Economic aspects The number of EQS which shall derive from analysis; Level of analysis: acqute (low cost) or cronical toxicity (ecological significance)?

Phare Twinning Project SK 05/IB/EN/01 Operative program: analysis - tender Technical aspects Ecotoxicological analysis shall be done in accreditated laboratories GPL in order to get their applicability in the frame of legal norms and to be in line with OECD Directive and/or equivalent regulations; research in the market focused on tecnical products containing hazardous substances to be analyzed; Does there exist analytical methods to verify nominal/measured values? If methods missing, then the radioisotopic labeling and determination of radioactivity will be necessary.