16-09-2001LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann1 CERN/2379/Rev: Proposal for building the LHC computing environment at CERN (Phase 1) Goals of Phase.


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Presentation transcript:

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann1 CERN/2379/Rev: Proposal for building the LHC computing environment at CERN (Phase 1) Goals of Phase 1 of the Global LHC Computing Grid project –Technology development and data challenges of the experiments from 2001 onwards leading to a Production Prototype at CERN and in MS and NMS in 2004 –Technical Design Report describing the necessary size and cost of the production facility at CERN and elsewhere agreeing the relations between the distributed Grid nodes their co-ordinated deployment and exploitation –High level training opportunities Meeting of the Council Delegates and 3 meetings of the Launching Committee –Project Leader nominated: Les Robertson/CERN –SC2 chair proposed:Matthias Kasemann/FNAL –Project organisation frame –Progress in identifying partners of LHC Computing Grid –Contributions to Phase 1, not complete, but sufficient to approve project start

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann2 Summary of Additional Resources needed PHASE 1 Total Phase 1

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann3 CMS ATLAS LHCb CERN Tier 0 Centre at CERN physics group LHC Computing Model evolving regional group Tier2 Lab a Uni a Lab c Uni n Lab m Lab b Uni b Uni y Uni x Tier3 physics department    Desktop Germany Tier 1 USA UK France Italy ………. CERN Tier 1 ………. The LHC Computing Centre The opportunity of Grid technology CERN Tier 0

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann4 The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure The LHC Computing Grid Project LHCC Project Overview Board Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP RTAG WP Reports Reviews Common Computing RRB Resource Matters e-Science Project Leader Other Computing Grid Projects Other HEP Grid Projects EU DataGrid Project industry

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann5 The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure The LHC Computing Grid Project LHCC Project Overview Board Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP RTAG WP Reports Reviews Common Computing RRB Resource Matters Project Leader Project Overview Board Chair: CERN Director for Scientific Computing Secretary: CERN IT Division Leader Membership: Spokespersons of LHC experiments CERN Director for Colliders Representatives of countries/regions with Tier-1 center : France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America 4 Representatives of countries/regions with Tier-2 center from CERN Member States In attendance: Project Leader SC2 Chairperson

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann6 The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure The LHC Computing Grid Project LHCC Project Overview Board Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP RTAG WP Reports Reviews Common Computing RRB Resource Matters Project Leader Software and Computing Committee (SC2) (Preliminary) Chair: to be appointed by CERN Director General Secretary Membership: 2 coordinators from each LHC experiment Representative from CERN EP Division Technical Managers from centers in each region represented in the POB Leader of the CERN Information Technology Division Project Leader Invited: POB Chairperson

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann7 The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure The LHC Computing Grid Project LHCC Project Overview Board Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP RTAG WP Reports Reviews Common Computing RRB Resource Matters Project Leader Project Execution Board (Preliminary) Chair: Project Leader Project Management Team: Chief Architect Area Coordinators (4-6) Resource Coordinator Other members: Liaison from each LHC Experiment Liaisons to other HEP Grid projects Work Package Managers

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann8 CERN openlab concept –Create synergies between basic research and industry –Research provides challenge, industry provides advanced items, concepts into collaborative forum –Participation fee Collaborative forum between public sector and industries to solve a well defined problem through open integration of technologies, aiming at open standards (open standard for example: Web with html, xml ) Confidential Public Announcement: Monday, September 24

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann9 Status of DataGrid Started on 1/1/2001, 9.8 M Euros EU funding, 21 partners (Main partners from CERN member states funding agencies: PPARC, INFN, CNRS, NIKHEF, ESA) Programme of work concentrated on middleware, testbed and applications (90% HEP/LHC focussed) Project in good shape ready for first testbed to be released to applications by October. Formal EU deadline at the end of the year. First EU review in March Other EU projects: CrossGrid, DataTag and, later, Dissemination Cluster

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann10 Collaboration with other Grid activities Intensive work of collaboration with other Grid projects in Europe (EU Projects, GridPP, INFN-Grid, etc) and elsewhere (mostly in US: GriPhyN, PPDG, DTF, iVDGL) Major role in international bodies: GGF (Global Grid Forum) and InterGrid (coordination among HEP Grid projects) Starting effort to LHC Computing Grid

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann11 DataTAG Main partners: CERN, INFN, PPARC, University of Amsterdam Main focus on transatlantic test beds with correspondent US projects (DTF, iVDGL) Important to compensate limited resources on network developments in DataGrid 2 years (2002-3), 4 M Euros (1.2 for US-EU link)

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann12 CrossGrid Early adoption and further development of DataGrid middleware, deployment of testbeds in other CERN member states (Poland, Germany, Spain, Greece, etc.) 23 partners (PL, D, SK, A, CY, NL, I, UK, IRL, E, EL) 6 M Euros EU funding, Industrial participation: Algosystems SA EL Important to extend Grid technology to other CERN member states not already in DataGrid

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann13 Member State Contributions to Phase 1

LHC Computing, SPC-FC-CC-C; H F Hoffmann14 Proposed Contributions Continue discussion with all Member States Manpower very welcome, more details in handout “Staffing requirements for the CERN component of the LHC Computing Grid Project” (preliminary) –Work out convention with each funding agency –Need some cash per person at CERN (INFN proposes for their persons 50 KCHF/year) EU may give more in FP6 Aim at more industry contributions through “CERN openlab for DataGrid applications” Cash contributions remain to be completed Critical level for “approval to start the project” reached