Graduation Petition Workshop Welcome to Santa Ana College Graduation Petition Workshop Associate Degree Welcome students to SAC See if there are any questions before starting
Three Programs of Study @ SAC Vocational Certificate Associate Degree Transfer Programs
General Education Courses Plan A (24 units) Associate Degree Usually referred to as AA or AS (Assoc. of Arts or Sciences) Offered by community colleges Requirements: Major Courses General Education Courses Plan A (24 units) Elective Courses + Total Units: Min. 60 units Examples: Business Admin., Liberal Arts, Nursing, Paralegal
Minimum Qualifications for an Associate Degree Obtainment of a minimum G.P.A of 2.0 Completion of 60 semester units 12 units of residency (SAC) No “N” classes count towards 60 units Must meet the proficiency requirements (Math, reading, speech and computer skills with a “C” grade or better)
Plan A – General Education A. Natural Sciences – 3 units B. Social & Behavior Sciences – 6 units C. Humanities – 3 units D. Cultural Breadth – 3 units E. Language & Rationally – 6 units F. Lifelong Understanding & Self-Develop. 3 units, no more than 1 unit from F2 24 Units GE (6 classes) +36 Units Major/ Elective ____________________ =60 Units Total
Associate Degree Plan A- Advisement Worksheet (click on the pdf file)
Graduation Petition Form (click on the pdf file) Graduation Petition Form
Liberal Arts Degree SAC.LA.AA Complete general educational Plan A Complete a minimum of 18 units from a single Area of Emphasis listed below: American Studies Arts, Humanities & Communications Business & Technology Mathematics & Science Social & Behavioral Sciences