SECTION BYLAWS APROVAL PROCESS Five Easy Steps. Step 1: Collect Data Obtain Template from SWE Communities Professional Section Bylaws Community Collegiate.


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Presentation transcript:


Step 1: Collect Data Obtain Template from SWE Communities Professional Section Bylaws Community Collegiate Section Bylaws Community Regional Bylaws Committee Rep Bylaws Committee Chair Locate Current Bylaws Section Files National Files (Limited) Request 2004 Standard Section Bylaws Template Request 1984 Student Section Bylaws

Step 2-a: Accept Template Version Consider if template language can work for your section. If it does… Delete all extra instructions and footnotes. Insert section number and name on page one Insert section and draft date info into footer Nxxx_SectionName Bylaws… draft mo-da-yr Save as: Nxxx_SectionName_std_mo-da-yr Send to You will probably be told to skip to step 4

Step 2-b: Making Edits Review notes in current template. Compare to existing bylaws, current operations and procedures. Maintain as much of template as possible. Review proposed changes with the region bylaws committee rep or national bylaws committee chair. Section bylaws committee (or EC) needs to approve draft Reminders Use Track Changes Save w/ filename and footer as described in previous slide Send to

Step 3: National Bylaws Committee Review National Bylaws Committee Chair receives draft with track changes from section Received by the 7 th – Committee reviews at current monthly meeting Received after the 7 th – Committee reviews at next monthly meeting Chair sends track changes draft to committee for review National Bylaws Committee reviews draft at meeting If little or no changes to template, committee approves at meeting If substantial changes, committee concurs on changes required for approval.

Step 3: Common Acceptable Edits Addition of a few additional elected officers i.e. directors, 2 nd secretary or VP Addition of officer duties that are simple and not procedural i.e. “Provide oversight and guidance to committees as assigned” Addition of college/university required language Check to see if the provision is already covered by existing language Change nominating committee from 3 to 2 members Addition of language offered in example bylaws at collegiate section bylaws community.

Step 3: Questionable Edits Some changes require explanation of need and proper wording before approval Requiring more than 2 “membership business meetings” Having standing committees Eliminating parts of elections section Adding details to officer duties section Changing the dates in the elections section Holding officer elections as part of a section meeting Changing candidate selection process

Step 3: Rejected Changes Changes rejected by bylaws committee Failure to designate a single successor to president Failure to select a nominating committee to prepare ballots and run the election of officers Changing format of bylaws or text in template if intent is not changed Changing or not using proper officer titles for additional officers Failure to designate one secretary to manage amendment process Executive council quorum is less than majority of EC Giving too many “appointed members” of the executive council voting rights on the EC

Step 4-a: Response by Section- Draft Approved If draft bylaws are approved by national bylaws committee Make any minor format changes requested Keep track changes on Submit to your section for approval per previous bylaws amendments instructions Insert section approved date info into footer Save as: Nxxx_SectionName_section apvd_mo-da-yr Forward approved version with track changes to National Bylaws Committee Chair

Step 4-b: Response by Section- Draft Rejected Draft Bylaws Not Approved by Committee Review comments from national bylaws committee Make required changes Make recommended changes or provide justification why section needs variance Submit revised draft version to committee for review with Footer “Section (Number/Name) Version X draft MM/DD/YYYY” with track changes implemented. Step 3 is repeated

Step Five: Final Approval National Bylaws Chair receives section approved version National Bylaws Chair submits bylaws with national committee approval to Society Secretary Society Secretary approves bylaws and changes Footer to “Section (Number/Name) bylaws approved Society Secr MM/DD/YYYY”. New bylaws are now effective. National Bylaws Chair sends PDF version of approved Bylaws to section contact HQ posts PDF version on community

Questions Contact Region Bylaws Committee Representative Contact Society Bylaws Committee Chair Contact Region Governor