SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport SEGMENT SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport IEE/09/250759-SEGMENT: 19-Apr-10 to 18-Apr-13.


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Presentation transcript:

SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport SEGMENT SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport IEE/09/ SEGMENT: 19-Apr-10 to 18-Apr-13

SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport Background We applied the lessons of commercial marketing techniques to public policy to develop a cost-effective way to achieve travel-behaviour-change. We tested a ‘market segmentation approach’ (attitudes to environment and travel eg “devoted drivers”), and used life change ‘trigger points’ which force people to question their travel habits. We carefully measured what we did, and then extracted the essentials to create an approach that can be used anywhere.

SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport Project summary 6 cities (BG, DE, NL, PL, PT, UK) test the effectiveness of market segmentation. Can it cost-effectively achieve shift towards sustainable travel? Actions include: analysis of target populations; skills development; campaign design and delivery. Outputs include a basic toolkit that can be used by any city without the need for costly preparation.

SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport Objectives A transferable “market segmentation” model Successful targeted marketing campaigns Building capacity in the city- partners

SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport Outputs, Results, Achievements 6 very different cities did 18 marketing campaigns; common elements (the target populations, the life- change moments) and impact analysis allowed for comparisons. In 18 months the average modal-shift was 4%, and average campaign-cost was €50k The same attitudinal segments exist in all cities, though in different %s Life-change moments are an effective trigger for segmented marketing But each campaign has to be carefully designed Tools have been developed so that other cities can short-cut. Online “golden questions” economically collect the key data: no need for expensive surveys All city-partners were pleased with the impact and will use the approach in the future

SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport Partners 1.London Borough of Hounslow 2.Local Energy Management Agency of Almada, Portugal 3.Municipality of Athens Development Agency SA, Greece 4.City of Sofia, Bulgaria 5.City of Utrecht, Netherlands 6.City of Gdynia, Poland 7.City of Munich, Germany 8.Aberdeen University, Centre for Transport Research, UK 9.European Platform On Mobility Management, Belgium CONTACT: