PRIVATE LIS TEMPLATE Encode all your learners in this template, from Pre-Kinder to Grade 10 (or highest grade level offering), do not leave space between Grade/Section or Elem and Sec
DETAILS OF THE SCHOOL I ILOCOS NORTE St. Andrew Grade School 1 Fill up the Region, School Division, School ID and Name of School
LRN of Transferees from Public Schools 2 In column 1, type the LRN of pupils who are transferees from Public Schools), leave this blank if none
LAST NAME of Learner In column 2, type the Last Name of pupil/student found in the NSO Birth Certificate 3
MIDDLE NAME of Learner In column 3, type the First Name of pupil/student found in the NSO Birth Certificate 4
MIDDLE NAME of Learner In column 4, type the Middle Name of pupil/student found in the NSO Birth Certificate 5
EXTENSION NAME of Learner In column 5, type the Extension Name of pupil/student found in the NSO Birth Certificate, leave blank if none 6
GENDER of Learner In column 6, select the Gender of pupil/student found in the NSO Birth Certificate 7 Click Here
BIRTHDATE (YYYY-MM-DD) In column 7, type the Birthdate of pupil/student following the format (found in NSO Birth Certificate) 8
GRADE LEVEL of Learner In column 8, select the Grade Level of pupil/student 9 Click Here Pre-Kindergarten - Learners who are enrolled in grade level before Kindergarten e.g. Nursery, Kinder 1, etc.
SECTION of Learner In column 9, Type the Section of pupil/student 10
PROVINCE (RESIDENCE) In column 10, Select the Province (Residence) of pupil/student (Select Ilocos Norte) 11 Click Here
MUNICIPALITY of Learner In column 11, Select the Municipality (Residence) of pupil/student 12 Click Here
BARANGAY (Residence) In column 12, Type the Barangay Name (Residence) of pupil/student 13 Sta. Barbara
Guardian/Parent of Leaner In column 13, Type the Name of Guardian of pupil/student 14 Alfredo C. Medrano
RELATIONSHIP TO Guardian 15 In column 13, select the Relationship to Guardian of pupil/student Click Here
GASTPE RECIPIENT In column 13, select (Y/N) if the Learner is GASTPE Recipient Click Here
NOTE: Learner's Middle Name - please enter full middle name not middle initial Birth Date Example For Province and City/Municipality - please choose from the dropdown list which will appear when you click on the field. Kindergarten - Learners who are enrolled in grade level before Grade 1 Pre-Kindergarten - Learners who are enrolled in grade level before Kindergarten e.g. Nursery, Kinder 1, etc. TO SAVE FILE --- filename should be School ID and School Name (ex St. Marks Academy) For Inquiries, please call (Smart) (SUN)