Core: Social & Cultural Continuity & Change Section I of the exam: -Multiple Choice (8 marks) -Short Response (12 marks)
Core Focus The focus of this study is to understand the nature of social and cultural research methodologies and apply the fundamental concepts of Society and Culture within the context of continuity and change in a selected country.
Social & cultural continuity and change Continuity: The notion of a repetition of patters of thinking and behaviour. It may also refer to social trends that have occurred over a long period to time. E.g. transmission of social norms and values -cultural heritage, traditions, customs -builds on community’s sense of connection between past and present
Change: shifts in social structures, beliefs, traditions and ways of thinking.
Major Fundamental Concepts
Minor Fundamental Concepts Gender: Power: Authority: Technology:
What you will be asked to do with these MAJOR & MINOR fundamental concepts? Define the ‘nature’ of the concept (have a clear definition) Unpack and APPLY the concept fundamental concept to the MICRO and MACRO world (using specific examples) Explain how the concepts INTERACT and influence each other
The key concepts to be integrated across Social and Cultural Continuity and Change are: continuity globalisation modernisation change westernisation institutions values beliefs heritage tradition identity conflict cooperation industrialisation empowerment social and cultural literacy
Social and Cultural Literacy
The Nature of Social and Cultural Research examine the nature and characteristics of primary and secondary research distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research
Quantitative & Qualitative Research Quantitative methodologies: involves methodologies such as closed-ended questionnaires, structured interviews, content analysis, sociograms (diagrammatic representations of interactions between individuals) or observation using data recording sheet. Quantitative methodologies enable data (concrete or conceptual) to be collected, measured and compared with a standard. Qualitative methodologies: Involves a phenomenological perspective whereby researchers aim to understand, report and evaluate the meaning of events for people in particular situations, that is, how their social world is structured by the participants in it. The focus of qualitative methodologies is the way in which participants interpret their experiences and construct reality. Some examples are, unstructured interview, focus group, open-ended questionnaire and participant observation.