Warm UP 1. What are the different forms of energy? 2. What is energy? 3. What is kinetic energy and how do you measure it? 4. What is potential energy? What are two different types of potential energy?
Let’s do the wave! EQ: What does energy have to do with waves?
I. NATURE OF WAVES A. Waves – 1. A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy. B. Medium – 1. Substance or region through which a wave can move/transmitted. C. Speed of Waves – 1. Depends on the properties of the medium.
II. Two types of waves A. Transverse waves 1. A wave in which the particles of the medium move perpendicularly to the direction the wave is traveling. 2. A ripple on a pond and a wave on a string are easily visualized transverse waves. ripple on a pondwave on a stringripple on a pondwave on a string
Transverse Wave Rest position
Transverse Waves 3. Amplitude a. Higher the amplitude the more energy the wave is carrying. b. Smaller the amplitude, the less energy the wave is carrying.
Transverse Waves 4. Wave length a. The distance between the centers of the crests of a wave represented by λ 5. Frequency a. How often the crests of the waves come by a given point in a second (the number of waves per second) represented by f. b. Velocity = wavelength X frequency. V= λ * f. V= λ * f.
Warm Up Quiz 1. Draw and Label a transverse wave.
Longitudinal Waves B. Longitudinal waves 1. The particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave moves. 2. A wave in a "slinky" is a good visualization. Sound waves in air are longitudinal waves. Sound waves in airSound waves in air
C. Water Waves 1. Water waves are an example of waves that involve a combination of both longitudinal and transverse motions. 2. As a wave travels through the water, the particles travel in clockwise circles. (I have identified two particles in blue to show that each particle indeed travels in a clockwise circle as the wave passes ) (I have identified two particles in blue to show that each particle indeed travels in a clockwise circle as the wave passes )