Mr. Granda 8 th and 7 th Grade U.S. History and World History
I live in Norco and have lived here for the last 20 years. I am married and have 2 wonderful children. I’m very involved in my sons sports baseball and football. This is his fourth year in tackle. I have been teaching for the last 15 years. I started off with some of the toughest students possible and about 10 years ago I can to CNUSD.
You can reach me at any time of the day or night. You can call me at here at CHIS from 7:15 to about 2:30 pm
Study of Ancient Worlds The Fall of Rome The Spread of Islam Japan and China Early and West Africa The Early Middle Ages Aztecs, Maya and Inca Civilation
Early Exploration and Settlements The English Colonies The American Revolution Civil War North and South Forming Government
Completion of homework, participation and class work assignments is vital to your success. All these subjects require much reading, understanding and evaluating. Assignments will be given each day and must be completed each day. Homework Any assignment not completed in class, will be done for homework. Homework/assignments will be completed on lined paper with all questions written out and answered in complete form. Turn work in with your name, date, period and section assignment labeled. Obtaining homework assignments after an absence is your responsibility. Any homework, assignments or projects that was due the day you were absent, is due the day you return.
Grading System 100%-90% = A 89%-80% = B 79%-70% = C 69%-60% = D 57% & below = F Grading Weighting Exams = 5% Quizzes = 25% Projects = 25% Class work = 25% Homework = 20%
SShow respect to yourself, others and the classroom. CCome to school prepared (paper, textbook, pencils and completed work assignments) and give your best effort! FFollow directions the first time they are given RRaise your hand to speak and/or to leave your seat. NNo cursing, profanity or derogatory remarks. NNo drinking or eating in the classroom with the exception of water.
Positive affirmation Become teachers assistant Five (5) minutes of free time Phone call to parents to give positive feedback about behavior and/or accomplishments. Assignment passes
Non-verbal warning Verbal Warning Written assignment during lunch Sixty (60) minutes of detention and phone call to parents On campus suspension for that period. Referral to assistant principal’s office