Effects of Globalization Victor Agbeo Brianna Foster Joseph Lancaster Victoria Price Sierra Washington
Country Differences Thailand Russia France Constitutional Monarchy Yingluck Shinawatra- Leader Total Population: 66,720,153 Geographical Area: Southeastern Asia Federation Dmitry Medveder- Leader Total Population: 138,739,892 Geographical Area: Northern Asia Literacy %: 92.6% M: 94.9% F: 90.5% Literacy %: 99.4% M:99.7% F:99.2% French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy- Leader Total Population: 65,312,249 Geographical Area: Europe Literacy %: 99.1% M: 99.2% F: 99.5%
Country Similarities All of the countries have very high literacy rates. All of these countries has a main that has somthing to do with cars All of these countries have a school life expectancy rate of over 10 years.
Countries Compared to the U.S.
Company Differences. Toyota Percentage of market:11.0 Corporate members:317,734 CEO: AkioToyoda Stock Price: 8,557,351 Cool fact: Toyotas transmissions will now be made with eco drive indicators. Toyota's headquarters are in Japan and was created in Japan. Mitsubishi GMC Percentage of Market: 20.3 Corporate Members: 209,000 CEO: Dan Akerson Stock Price: $2370 Cool fact :General Motors was the first company to release an all-electric automobile. GMC is headquartered in America and was created in America. Percentage of market :19.9 Corporate members :85,123 Ceo :Osamu Masuko StockPrice:26,273,000 Cool Fact ;Mitsubishi has a 30 year long association with Jackie Chan, who has used their vehicles in many of his movies Mitsubishi is headquartered in Tokyo and was created in Tokyo.
Company Simularities All Companies are eco friendly and enviornmental concious throughout their products of cars. All are world wide popular car companies, they are the top 3 car companies in the world. All have a racing car history and have all made sports cars for tournaments.
the effects of Country vs Company Country.... the economy of the country can effect the sales of the company... if the country is poor then major car companies like GMC,Toyota,and Mitsubishi will not make a profit because the people cant afford it. Thes countries also effect the quality of the product. if there are fantastic resources in Japan then the cars from Japan will be the most durable and reliable based off resource quantity. If a country does not have good or enough resources the car may not be the best made car overall. Company... when the companies are popular like it can either take away from the country or bring to it. the money made off these cars can bring the country a profit and help fund things that country needs. or the importance of the company can take away from something else in the country because its not as " important" as the company which can hurt the countries people. These companies can make a country popular because if the country is known for having the best cars then more people will come to that country for a car.