Do Now What is the farthest you have ever travelled, or remember travelling? What was the reason for you to travel to that destination? List at least 3 other possible reasons (other than the one you listed) as to why a person would travel a long distance.
U.S./American History Beginning -Around 30,000 B.C the first people are thought to have arrived in the America’s -They crossed a small strip of land known as the Bering Strait -At some point the Bering Strait was covered in water Those that crossed, were stuck and will become the first Americans (Native Americans)
I.Pre-Columbian America A. It was much more complex and populated than first thought - Indian empires rivaled Europeans
B. Vikings were the first Europeans to discover the America’s Leif Ericson – First European to be in North America - The Vikings will not stick around to live in the America’s
C. Myth of Christopher Columbus - He has been given credit for discovering the America’s - At the time in Europe no one was aware of what the Vikings were doing In reality he just brought new knowledge
D. Agricultural Revolution 1. 3,000 B.C. Native Americans learn to cultivate food Cultivate – To grow and harvest crops - Also found ways to preserve food - Corn and squash were the first crops grown in America
2. Results of Cultivation/Farming - Built irrigation systems to water crops - Created calendars and writing systems - Large villages and cities start to develop
-Villages grew into cities as population and area expanded - Life became more civilized Civilization – Complex, highly organized society - Most civilizations began in river valleys
E. Organization of Society 1. A change started in the division of work/labor Things were more efficient if everyone did a different job - Agricultural Rev. is a huge movement - Work is divided in society - Things aren’t set in stone, and more opportunities for women
Yesterday I introduced the Agricultural Revolution, why do you think hunter gather societies changed to agricultural/farming societies? Do Now:
Question for Worksheet After reading the passage about the first Americans and the differences in culture, read the last sentence again. What do you think were the reasons whites did not like the Native Americans/Indians? Use prior knowledge and some information on the sheet to help answer.