Famous Vikings Leif Ericson Son of Eric the Red, founder of Greenland Wanted to be like father Sails from Greenland Becomes first European to set foot in North America
Purpose of Feudalism Middle Ages a dangerous time People need protection Viking raids Criminals groups Other raiders Feudalism Protective organization Based on land and/or services
Peasants The Power Pyramid Knights = Nobles King & Queen, Plus Family Royal Family Nobles Important wealthy families Knights Elite Soldiers, land holders Peasants Farmers, merchants, poor, and slaves. Majority of population
Lord’s Duties Land owner Protect Land & vassals Vassal dies, Lord become family’s protector Advise the vassal Act as judge in disputes
Vassal’s Duties Everyone but King is a vassal Receives Land from Lord Provides military service Provides soldiers(nobles) Loyal to Lord Pays crops, money, and service to Lord