What is an emotion? A feeling produced in response to a life event Emotional health is the way a person experiences and deals with feelings Experiencing a wide range of emotions is normal. Even unpleasant emotions can be healthy
TEENS AND EMOTIONS Both social and physical changes affect teens’ emotions Emotional changes during this stage in life are healthy and normal, even though they can be confusing Hormones affect teens’ emotions Hormones are chemicals that help control how the body grows and functions
All emotions- even unpleasant ones- can be a healthy part of life. Expressing them correctly is important to healthy emotional and mental health to you and those around you One way to understand your emotions is to learn what situations are likely to cause specific emotions. Situations, people, and events that cause a person to feel an emotion are called triggers
HEALTHY EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION Communicating your emotions to others: Helps you express your emotions Helps you feel like you are not alone Helps others get to know you and understand your feelings Helps you and a person you had a conflict with, resolve the conflict
UNHEALTHY WAYS TO COMMUNICATE Kicking and screaming like a little kid Not listening Breaking things, throwing things or vandalizing
HEALTHY WAYS TO COMMUNICATE Speak calmly and clearly Think before you talk Watch your body language Remember to be a good listener too!
BODY LANGUAGE Body language is expressing emotions with the face, hand and posture Listening to other people is a major part of communication A good listener: Helps other people communicate by encouraging them to express emotion Shows that are listening by using active listening, and using eye contact
CREATIVE EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS Expressing emotions is one way of letting unpleasant emotions go Crying, playing music, drawing, listening to music, making sculptures, painting, writing, dancing, acting, making films, watch a movie, play sports, and laughing
WAYS OF COPING WITH EMOTIONS Have good self-esteem Take time to think Take care of yourself
Self-esteem- is a measure of how much you value, respect and feel confident about yourself High self-esteem: confident and happy with yourself Low self esteem- helpless, full of self, doubt, easily overwhelmed by problems Improve your self-esteem by finding activities in which you can be successful
Taking time out from a situation can Help you look closer at it Help you react in a positive way Give you time to cool down Positive self-talk: thinking about the good parts of a bad situation
Take care of yourself- If your overall physical, mental and emotional, and social health is stable, then you will be better equipped to deal with unpleasant situations Exercise Get enough sleep Form supportive relationships with friends and family Have someone to talk to Think positive