1 What does it mean to be a referee?. 2 Being a Referee Means…  YOU ARE IN CHARGE – the players, coaches and fans are not. YOU are the BOSS.  As the.


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Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to be a referee?

2 Being a Referee Means…  YOU ARE IN CHARGE – the players, coaches and fans are not. YOU are the BOSS.  As the referee – it is your job to make sure the match is:  SAFE  FAIR  FUN

3 Being a Referee Means…  You MUST :  Know and Enforce the Laws  Have the respect of the players (coaches and fans) and the game  Understand that most of the time many of the players (coaches and fans) do not agree with you.

4 Being a Referee Means… 3 Tips for how you enforce the Laws …. AND …. have the respect of the players (coaches and fans). TIP 1 - Things MUST do (Referee Duties) Tip 2 – Things you SHOULD do (Referee Powers) Tip 3 – How you look and act (at ALL times)

5 The Duties and Powers of the Referee are part of Law 5 (which we will talk more about later). We are going to review the On-Line Materials in light of these Powers & Duties. But before we review, lets discuss how you should look and act (TIP 3) Decisions of the Referee

6 TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Looks & Acts A good referee does not only knows the Laws of the Game but also…….  looks like a referee and  acts like a referee. What does this mean ???

7  First Impressions happen only once  So make it a good first impression with  Coaches  Players  Fellow referees  Everyone How? TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Looks & Acts

8  Body Language – you are judged by the way you  Walk  Talk  Make Eye contact, and  Act. TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Looks & Acts

9 How does someone walk when they are  Shy or scared  When they don’t care  When they are arrogant  When they are confident How should you walk towards the coaches? TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Walks

10 Think about HOW people talk to you if they are:  Scared  Disrespectful  Confident How should you address a coach or another ref? TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Talks

11 Do you  Look someone right in their eyes?  Look down at the ground?  Look at something or someone behind the person you are addressing? TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Looks at Others

12  Appearance – How do I look to coaches and players?  Posture – What does the way I stand tell others?  Walk – What does my walk say?  Eyes – Am I looking them straight in the eyes?  Speech – Confidence or scared?  Handshake – firm, but not too hard TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Looks & Acts

13  Be on time, in proper uniform  Show respect for fellow officials, players, coaches and spectators  Be calm and confident  Take each game seriously, and HAVE FUN ! TIP 3 – How a Good Referee Looks & Acts