Northumbria University
Northumbria University is the largest university in the North East of England. Both research-engaged and business- focussed, it has become deeply embedded in the industrial, professional and commercial sectors and in civic life.
Northumbria offers programmes in 30 of the 32 most popular academic disciplines across nine Schools: Applied Sciences Arts and Social Sciences Built Environment Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences Design Health, Community and Education Studies Law Newcastle Business School Psychology and Sports Sciences The Facts
35,000 students from 140 countries make Northumbria the UK’s sixth largest HE provider and help the University to perform a leading role in promoting and sustaining the Region’s economic, cultural, and social well-being. (2009 figures)
The Facts The University delivers a broad portfolio of executive education for businesses and organisations. Research was judged to be world-leading in eleven of twelve areas submitted to the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Internationally-excellent work was identified throughout. Northumbria is the largest UK provider of higher education in Hong Kong and has substantial operations in Malaysia, Egypt and the Caribbean.
The Facts £17m is being invested in new research-active staff over three years. Northumbria is one of the UK’s ten largest providers of taught postgraduate education. The University has the highest rate of graduate employment amongst North East universities, with 91% entering employment or advanced study within six months of graduating.
Evolving Excellence for 21 st Century Britain Northumbria University seeks to establish a position among the best of a new type of excellent university, which are: Strong in the fundamental activities of teaching and research; Business-facing; A motor for economic development
These new types of excellent University will be renowned for: Producing highly adaptable and employable graduates with global perspective. Providing an outstanding student experience. Conducting internationally-excellent research that drives innovation. Predominating in the provision of Masters-level professional education to meets the skills-needs of the economy. Evolving Excellence for 21 st Century Britain
A fast-changing world presents constant new demands and advances. In such an environment, nobody can afford to stand still, not least a University with a reputation for innovation.
The Future This is why, over the next five years, Northumbria University will work to: Double its research capacity and income. Achieve in all subject areas at least 90% satisfaction in the National Student Survey. Increase global recognition and reputation by building its international presence and partnerships overseas.
The Future Create substantial new partnerships in the City and Region to optimise its role in driving economic, social and cultural development in North East England. Extend its already leading position in the provision of Masters-level education, and increase postgraduate research student numbers by 50%.