“Once More to the Lake” Objective: To do a close reading of “Once More to the Lake” by jigsawing and answering text dependent questions Turn in Satire Argument
Quickwrite Sometimes we revisit childhood places, toys, or people. What is it like when you go back to these places? How do you feel? What was the same? What was different?
Shared Reading Page 723 “Once More to the Lake”
Jigsaw Analysis Person 1: – In paragraph 4, the author first introduces his confused feeling that he has gone back in time to his own childhood, an idea that he repeats and expands through out his account. Cite two examples and explain the function of these repetitions. (paragraph #) Person 2: – Whites descriptions depends on many images that are not figures of speech but literal translations of sensory impressions. Cite two examples and explain the effect. (paragraph #) Person 3: – What is the tone of White’s essay at the beginning of the passage? What does it shift to in the last paragraph? By what means is this achieved? (paragraph #)