2012 Adequate Yearly Progress Preliminary Answers & other Important Information…
Public release of 2012 Preliminary AYP/SIP Statuses Appeals & Federal Cap Exceptions Deadline Final AYP Status Release TAKS to STAAR Bridge Study Campus Priority List Deadline AYP 2012: Timeline August 8th September 7th December 2012 June/July 2012
AYP: Performance Standards % Proficient Math Reading % TAKSSTAAR BRIDGE
2012 AYP: The Bridge Study, What? Enrolled GradesAssessment Performance Standard Planned for AYP Calculations Grades 3-8 STAAR (English & Spanish) reading and mathematics* Bridged to TAKS Met Standard STAAR Modified reading and mathematics Bridged to TAKS-Modified Met Standard STAAR Alternate reading and mathematics Bridged to TAKS-Alt Met Standard STAAR EOC English I reading and Algebra I* Bridged to TAKS Met Standard for grade 9 reading and mathematics STAAR Modified EOC English I reading and Algebra I No Standard Available – performance results not included in AYP. Students counted as participants only. STAAR EOC English II reading, Geometry and Algebra II* STAAR Phase-in Standard** STAAR Modified EOC English II reading and Geometry Not operational / results not included in AYP
2012 AYP: Yep, High Schools have a “Bridge” too… Enrolled GradesAssessment Performance Standard Planned for AYP Calculations Grade 10 TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated) ELA and mathematics* TAKS Met Standard TAKS-Modified ELA and mathematics* TAKS-Modified Met Standard STAAR Alternate EOC English I and Algebra I Bridged to TAKS-Alt Met Standard for grade 9 reading and mathematics STAAR Alternate EOC English II and Geometry Bridged to TAKS-Alt Met Standard for grade 10 reading and mathematics
AYP 2012: Other Standards Elementary/Middle/Junior High Schools: 95% Participation Rate 90% Attendance Rate (All Students only) Secondary Schools: 95% Participation Rate 75% Graduation Rate
2012 Preliminary Math Performance Across our Region 87% All St 75% 82% 79% 72% 93% 79% HispAfr AmWhiteEco DisSp EdLEP
Math Performance– Across our Region 85% All Students 86% 87% A 3 year look…
Math Performance– Across our Region 74% African American 74% 75% A 3 year look…
Math Performance– Across our Region 79% Hispanic 81% 82% A 3 year look…
Math Performance– Across our Region 92% White 93% A 3 year look…
Math Performance– Across our Region 77% Economically disadvantaged 78% 79% A 3 year look…
Math Performance– Across our Region 63% Special Education 63% 72% A 3 year look…
Math Performance– Across our Region 74% Limited English Proficient 78% 79% A 3 year look…
90% All St 84% 86% 84% 78% 96% 79% HispAfr AmWhiteEco DisSp EdLEP 2012 Preliminary Reading Performance Across our Region
Reading Performance– Across our Region 89% All Students 89% 90% A 3 year look…
Reading Performance– Across our Region 83% African American 81% 84% A 3 year look…
Reading Performance– Across our Region 83% Hispanic 84% 86% A 3 year look…
Reading Performance– Across our Region 95% White 95% 96% A 3 year look…
Reading Performance– Across our Region 81% Economically disadvantaged 82% 84% A 3 year look…
Reading Performance– Across our Region 68% Special Education 67% 78% A 3 year look…
Reading Performance– Across our Region 74% Limited English Proficient 76% 79% A 3 year look…
Regional Performance Workbooks: Where can you find them?
On a slightly different note: 2012 AEIS Reports Will only report TAKs information in Section I Campuses without TAKS information will receive Section II only
Accountability Feedback: Here’s your chance!
Questions? More Information? Kimberly Berry System Support Team, Region XIII