Joint Mathematics Meetings 2016 Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Ordinary Differential Equations 9:00 AM Friday, 8 January 2016 Washington State Convention Center SIMIODE - Building a Learning Community to Teach Modeling First Differential Equations Brian Winkel, PROF Emeritus, United States Military Academy West Point NY USA Director SIMIODE
Modeling-first teaching of differential equations
SIMIODE Open House Friday, 8 January PM – TONIGHT - Willow Room, Sheraton Seattle Hotel Refreshments, Fellowship, FREE Registration, Door Prizes, T-Shirts Drawings Discussion tables: Overcoming Issues/Obstacles Examples and Uses Realizing Opportunities Also visit SIMIODE Booth #420 in Exhibit Area
Building an environment for and a learning community of teachers and students for learning modeling-first differential equations.
Search on SIMIODE. Find us at Register – it is FREE. Join our merry band. Become a member of the Teachers Group. Contribute your ideas, engage in the ideas of colleagues. Use materials in your teaching. Teach students in modeling-first approach to differential equations.
Double-blind, peer-reviewed referee system for publication of Resources in SIMIODE
Value in SIMIODE – reviewed on-line, FREE texts, data, video, community, collaboration, blogs, wikis, newsletter, modeling scenarios and technique narratives, articles and reviews.
Not all work... not all fun... building for modeling-first differential equations These images are related!
Some things can be daunting......
SIMIODE channel on YouTube videos for collecting Data for Torricelli’s Law of Falling Column of Liquid
Objective: Get students to think about change, about increment.... How long does it take an ant to build a tunnel of length x?
Example of “local flipping” or “flipping in the small” in this case modeling first leading to differential equation mathematics.
Ask questions of solved differential equations model such as “What if we double the length of the tunnel? Does this double the time?” Consensus emerges and what mathematics does this yield?
Many sources on falling body with resistance. Use some with real data or generate the real data with students. Source:
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
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