23 rd Annual Innovative Users Group Conference April 13 th – 16 th 2015
Jodi Williamschen, Product Manager, Innovative Interfaces RDA and Linked Data
After the Paris Principles, AACR1, MARC, and AACR2 came FRBR
And then (after 10 years of development) came RDA (Resource Description and Access) Formally adopted by the Library of Congress for original cataloging on March 31, 2013 PCC “end of AACR2” cataloging was Dec. 31, 2014 OCLC is actively adding RDA elements to all records SkyRiver has created “hybrid” RDA records since 2012 Want to transform your database to RDA? –Work with authorities vendor (BackStage, Marcive, LTI) –Do-it-yourself with Global Update –Do-it-yourself with MarcEdit RDA conversion tools –Watch for PCC data conversion guidelines (
RDA is not FRBR is not MARC FRBR is a data concept –Built on entities, attributes and relationships –Most known for Group 1 entities of Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item –Also, Group 2 entities of Person, Family, Corporate Body –And, Group 3 entities of Concept, Object, Event, Place RDA focuses on data content –Comprehensive, flexible, extensible, adaptable –Breaks down bibliographic elements into components but does not dictate how the information is displayed –Unlike AACR2, not split by format MARC is the most widely-used data container But it’s not the only container for RDA data content
It almost works together … Maybe? But MARC has duplicative data elements and it’s not widely known outside the library community But we learned how to catalog in MARC – sometimes focusing more on the data container over the data content But RDA isn’t finished (subjects?) But my library patrons only search Google But FRBR stayed in the “conceptual” stage for a long time Which leads to …
BIBFRAME bf:Work –A conceptual view of a resource Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare bf:Instance –A physical embodiment of a bf:Work Romeo and Juliet, a book published by First Avenue Editions in 2014 Romeo + Juliet, a movie produced by 20 th Century Fox in 2014, screenplay by Julian Fellowes Romeo and Juliet, the fully dramatized audio edition produced by Simon & Schuster Audio in 2014 bf:Authority –Concepts with defined relationships to bf:Works and bf:Instances Shakespeare, William, Verona (Italy) Families bf:Annotation –A flexible add-on to bf:Works and bf:Instances Holdings – Library A has one copy of Romeo and Juliet, a book published in 2014
But … why? BIBFRAME and linked data give us A way to expose the library’s data to the Web Break down silos – send our data into the world to bring users into the library Show off our high-quality data Proving that … Catalogers are key to the success of a library!
Exploring data structures Linked Data in theory
MARC to BIBFRAME transformation
MarcEdit’s MARCNext tools
BIBFRAME testbed
BIBFRAME XML view of the work
BIBFRAME XML of the instance (in part) Text, readable by people Code, readable by machine
BIBFRAME XML view of person
MARC-ish view of Link Identifiers
One heading in RDF/XML using
Same heading, graphed (part 1)
Same heading, graphed (part 2)
Same heading, graphed (part 3)
BIBFRAME editor Work
BIBFRAME editor Instance
BIBFRAME view (HTML) Instance
Cindy Phillips, Arapahoe Library District Linked Data in the real world
System considerations Need customized profiles – different needs for different libraries and materials Need an editor that does not require knowledge of the coding Need to prepare for identifiers – not authority records Need to generate different outputs based on needs –JSON for the API –HTML for the discovery layer But … How do you check out a book? How do you pay an invoice? How do you place a hold?
What are Innovative’s plans for Linked Data? Member of the LibHub Initiative Following BIBFLOW (UC Davis project) and NLM’s BIBFRAME testing/evaluation SkyRiver database will be integrated into III Knowledgebase and bibfra.me Future SkyRiver releases will include –BIBFRAME view –BIBFRAME editor –XML data in/out –And we will keep MARC data in/out
For more information Library Juice Academy course sequence in linked data (libraryjuiceacademy.com)libraryjuiceacademy.com
Goodbye MARC
Thank you!