INTRODUCE CHAMPAGNE 指導老師:王福祥 老師 學 生:休閒二乙 高詩婷 4A0B0088 休閒二乙 葉映芝 4A0B0107 1
Champagne Region 2
Grape Varieties of Champagne Chardonnay produces light, perfumed Champagne 4
Grape Varieties of Champagne Pinot Noir the resulting flavor is fuller and meatier than Chardonnay, best from the Montagne de Reims area 5
La Method Champenoise Press 6
La Method Champenoise Remuage 7
La Method Champenoise D’egorgement 8
dom perignon vintage(1999) 9
Many Face of Champagne Non-vintage Vintage Blanc de Blancs Blanc de Noirs Rose Pink Champagne Deluxe Cuvee 10
Dry or Sweet 3.Demi Sec : Sugar Contain 35g/l~50g/l 4.Doux : Sugar Contain over 50g/l 1.Brut : Sugar Contain under 15g/l 2.Sec : Sugar Contain 17g/l~35g/l 11
Different name in different place Italy → Spumante Spain → Cava Canafornia → Sparkling Wine France → Vin Mousseux 12
The fine art of serving chanpange 1.prepare an ice bucket,one half with water and one half with ice 13
The fine art of serving chanpange 2. Pull out the wine and send it to table side with a tray 14
The fine art of serving chanpange 3. Show the wine costermer order to them and tear open the label 15
The fine art of serving chanpange 4. Sixes withershins to open the wire 16
The fine art of serving chanpange 5. Hand the bottle in 45 。 And slow and slow to turn the cork. If you do this well, yon can listen the”Sigh of angela” 17
The fine art of serving chanpange 6. Put 1/3 glass for every one. The best is put tow times, because of the bubble. 18
Thanks for your listening -THE END- 19