A Trading Empire
The African Landscape Interior of Africa- Plateau Raised flat region Rivers Northern Africa- Sahara Second largest desert Coast line Lack of natural harbors Hard ot trade
Vegetation People in Africa tend to live where rain falls the most Most rain falls along the equator (rainforest region) Savanna Broad grassland above and below the equator Few trees Herds of animals Wet and dry seasons
Vegetation Desert North and south of savanna Few people live in these areas Mediterranean Zone Very northern tip of Africa Summers are warm and dry Rainy winters
Niger and Senegal Rivers The largest rivers in Western Africa Early civilizations formed along these rivers Reliable source of water for farming and trade
Rise of Ghana By 350 B.C.E. West Africans began making iron tools Metal stronger than stone Allowed for stronger agricultural equipment Food supplies increased Labor specialization= division of jobs (not everyone has to be a farmer) Population increased as food supply increased
Ancient Ghana As the population grew governments were formed to keep order Soninke people founded a kingdom between the Niger and Senegal rivers Families were very important in Ghana Each family specialized in an activity (trade, farming, fishing, cattle raising) Over time the Soninke people used their superior weapons to control others Became the kingdom of Ghana Enslaved people Traded slaves for salt and other goods
A Powerful Empire Gold-Salt Trade North Africans wanted gold to make into coins Ghana had plenty of gold but needed salt North African traders would cross the Sahara on camels to trade salt for gold Traders brought Islam to West Africa Wealthy Rulers Kings of Ghana grew rich from the gold-salt trade Taxed gold produced and gold sold
Invasion and Decline Ghana prospered for centuries Population began to decline due to food shortages