Earth Systems Science Mrs. Murray Picture Credit:
What is a system? System – “a collection of interdependent parts enclosed within a defined boundary” Closed System- gains or loses energy, but does not gain or lose mass (sealed jar of water, Earth) Open System – gains or loses energy and mass (human body) Picture Source: Definition Source:
Picture Credit:
Spheres of Earth Science Earth Science AtmosphereHydrosphereGeosphereBiosphere
Your Turn! Are clouds a part of the atmosphere or the hydrosphere? Explain your answer.
Oaks, Linda. canada_9.jpg Pics4Learning. 12 Sep 2009 Norman, Steve. nat088.jpg.. Pics4Learning. 12 Sep 2009 Lau, Steve. boomboat4.jpg Pics4Learning. 12 Sep 2009 How do the spheres interact? How do you (biosphere) impact the Earth? Norman, Steve. nat088.jpg.. Pics4Learning. 12 Sep 2009
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