The Amazon is the second longest in the world and runs through 7 countries. It is located in South America. It is 6,400 miles long in wet season. There are 3,000 known species of fish that live in the Amazon.The majority of the Amazon is in rainforests and not roads or cities that means there aren`t any bridges. The Amazon
The Nile is the longest in the World. The flooding of the Nile is celebrated as a holiday in Egypt. The Nile river lays in 10 different countries. It got its name from the Greek word Neilos, which means valley. The Nile
The first bridge on the Mississippi was started in 1855 and was finished in The Mississippi and Missouri combine to form the longest river system. It can stretch to 7 miles wide. It is 2,320 miles (3,730km) slightly shorter then the Missouri River. Its fourth biggest in the World. The Mississippi
Nile 1 st, Amazon 2 nd, Mississippi – Missouri –Red Rock 3 rd, Yangtze 4 th, Ob 5 th, Huang Ho 6 th, Yenisei 7 th, Parana 8 th, Irtish 9 th, Zaire 10th The Top 10 Worlds longest rivers
This was made by Scarlet Ellis