Grace Fellowship Church Pastor / Teacher James H. Rickard Thursday, January 3, 2008
Memory Verse 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The Upper Room Discourse John John 13:7 Christ’s Retort of Peter’s Objection
The Doctrine of The Grace Apparatus for Perception
G.A.P. Nous MIND HEART Kardia - / + Human Spirit KNOWLEDGE (Oida) PUMP Launch Pad Edification Complex of the Soul SOUL Floor Application of Bible Doctrine Grace Apparatus for Perception BODY
1. GAP is the conversion of GNOSIS to EPIGNOSIS doctrine, for application to life, by means of God the Holy Spirit.
2. The importance of Faith- Application, utilizing the Faith Rest Drill.
3. The Mechanics of GAP.
4. Human I.Q. is not an issue in the function of GAP, it is a grace system for perception.
5. God's grace provision for the perception of Bible doctrine includes:
h. God provides the local church as the classroom for the Royal Family to learn His Word.
Worship is academic, not emotional. You must know God's system to function under His system.
God always raises up local churches, where pastors are faithful in the teaching of the Word of God.
i. God provides human volition as the means of transferring Bible Doctrine from the left lobe to the right lobe of the soul.
6. There is no substitute for the function of GAP. Job 32:1-9
7. The primary result of the GAP is spiritual maturity, resulting in glorifying God, as part of the tactical victory in the angelic conflict.
8. Synonyms for the GAP found in the Bible:
a. Epignosis: Full knowledge
a. Epignosis: Full knowledge b. More Grace - Super Grace: spiritual maturity. James 4:6
c. Altar of the soul. Heb 13:9-10
c. Altar of the soul. Heb 13:9-10 d. Edification Complex of the Soul (E.C.S.). Eph 4:12-16
e. Redeeming of Time. Eph 5:16-18; Col 4:5
e. Redeeming of Time. Eph 5:16-18; Col 4:5 f. Strength in the Lord. Eph 6:10
g. Putting on the whole armor of God, Eph 6:11-17;
g. Putting on the whole armor of God, Eph 6:11-17; Following the colors to the high ground, Heb 12:1-2;
g. Putting on the whole armor of God, Eph 6:11-17; Following the colors to the high ground, Heb 12:1-2; Establish a command post of the soul, Col 2:5-8.
h. Take up your cross and follow me. Mat 16:24; Luke 9:23
h. Take up your cross and follow me. Mat 16:24; Luke 9:23 i. Salt seasoned. Col 4:6
j. Godliness - Sanctification synonym. 1 Tim 6:3-6; 2 Peter 1:3
Other results of the GAP include:
a. Reversion recovery
a. Reversion recovery b. Glorification of God in the Angelic Conflict.
a. Reversion recovery b. Glorification of God in the Angelic Conflict. c. Equates the royal status of the believer with his priesthood.
d. Leads to maturity and Super Grace (maturity).
d. Leads to maturity and Super Grace (maturity). e. Leads to occupation with Christ and other capacities for life.
d. Leads to maturity and Super Grace (maturity). e. Leads to occupation with Christ and other capacities for life. f. Provides maximum influence in history.
g. Provides the basis for legitimate production or service (divine good).
g. Provides the basis for legitimate production or service (divine good). h. Becomes the basis for eternal rewards.
Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, January 3, 2008 Tape # Grace Apparatus for Perception, Pt 6 Upper Room Discourse, Pt 143 John 13:7; Eph 4:12-16; 1 Tim 6:3-6 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2007