S UBJECT AND OBJECT LO. I can identify the subject and object in sentences.
WILF I know that all sentences contain subjects. I can identify the subject or subjects in a sentence. I know that some sentences contain an object. I can identify the object or objects in a sentence.
Lets identify the subjects and objects together. Find the verbs. Find the subjects (who or what is doing the action). Find the objects ( who or what are the verbs happening to) Subject or Object? Ellie painted a picture.
Lets identify the subjects and objects together. Find the verbs. Find the subjects (who or what is doing the action). Find the objects ( who or what are the verbs happening to) Subject or Object? We threw the crusts of our sandwiches to the ducks and they quickly swallowed the pieces.
Subject or Object? We threw the crusts of our sandwiches to the ducks and they quickly swallowed the pieces.
Subject or Object? Anna needed to go to the shop. She wanted to buy some eggs to make a cake. Your turn: Identify the subjects and objects. Underline subject in red Underline object in blue
Subject or Object? Anna needed to go to the shop. She wanted to buy some eggs to make a cake.
Subject or Object? The class is organising a secret party for their teacher. She is moving to Australia to live.
Subject or Object? The class is organising a secret party for their teacher. She is moving to Australia to live.
Subject or Object? The dog sleeps.
Subject or Object? The dog sleeps. The dog bit the postman.
S UBJECT OR O BJECT ? Your Turn Identify the subject/s and the object/s in the sentences below. 1. The soldiers ate hard biscuits. 2. I built an Anderson Shelter. 3. Mum put up big, black curtains. 4. ARP wardens walked up and down the streets. 5. The government evacuated children to the countryside. 6. My brother enjoyed playing on the bomb sites. 7. People were encouraged to grow their own vegetables. 8. The bombs fell on London. 9. Jack an evacuee came to live with us. 10. Joyce and Angela did the jobs on the farm. Now write your own sentence and identify the subject and the object.
P ASSIVE AND A CTIVE LO. To understand the use of the passive voice to affect the presentation of information in a sentence.
I know that sentences written in the active voice follow a subject + verb + object order. I know that sentences written in the passive voice follow an object + verb + subject order. I can recognise the difference between sentences written in the active and passive voice. I can use a variety of both in a paragraph. WILF
Scott switched on the lights. A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ?
The lights were switched on by Scott. A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ?
1. Last night, the trees were knocked over by the wind. 2.My brother loves watching the Toy Story films.
A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ? 3.My shoes were chewed by our dog. 4.Daniel designed a super castle out of Lego.
A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ? 5. Our school won the football match. 6.The cake was eaten by the children.
A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ? Rose Blanche
A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ? Passive voice is used when the writer wants to focus on the object. The person is unknown (a)
A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ? The men from the town went off to fight Germany. Rose Blanche joined the crowds and waved them goodbye. A marching band played their instruments, while Rose Blanche shivered with excitement. Giving a speech, at the top of the steps, was the Mayor. A gust of wind blew the flags backwards and forwards.
A CTIVE OR P ASSIVE ? The men from the town went off to fight Germany. Rose Blanche joined the crowds and waved them goodbye. A marching band played their instruments, while Rose Blanche shivered with excitement. Giving a speech, at the top of the steps, was the Mayor. A gust of wind blew the flags backwards and forwards. subject object The flags had been blown backwards and forwards by a gust of wind.
S ELF A SSESSMENT Work in pairs. Read through the paragraph together. List two effective features – use success criteria to guide thoughts. Find a target/area of improvement. If you did it again what would you change? Why? Repeat with second person.