Ms. D. Cohen Homophones are words that sound the same, but mean different things. They are also spelled differently. Let’s practice using homophones!
Son and Sun S-O-N Son S-U-N Sun
Say it with me! The son is with his mother. The sun is shining and smiling.
TOE and TOW T-O-E Toe T-O-W Tow
Say it with me! The toe is long.The truck will tow the car.
One and Won W-O-NWon (past tense of win) O-N-E One 1
Say it with me! Here is one dollar. 1 Our team won the soccer game.
RED and READ R-E-DREDR-E-A-D READ (past tense verb)
Say it with me! The tomatoes are the color red. Yesterday the children read books.
BLUE and BLEW B-L-U-EBlue B-L-E-W Blew (past tense of blow)
Say it with me! The butterfly is the color blue. The wind blew hard yesterday.
Ms. D. Cohen Write one sentence for each homophone. Use context clue words to help you spell each homophone. Draw a picture of each sentence. Example: Yesterday the girl blew bubbles at the park. 1. son 5. one 9. blue 2.sun 6. won 10. blew 3.toe 7. red 4. tow 8. read