Invasion is the first reason for Ghana’s Decline Ghana was invaded by a Muslim group called the Almoravids. The Almoravids attacked Ghana in the 1060s to try and convert the leaders to Muslim For 14 years Ghana kept invaders at bay. The Almoravids won the battle and destroyed the city of Koumbi Saleh Ghana wasn't controlled by the Almoravids for long The Almoravids weakened the empire of Ghana a lot The Almoravids cut off the trade routes in Ghana and formed new ones with Muslim leaders. Ghana couldn't support its empire anymore without the trade routes.
Overgrazing is another reason for Ghana’s Decline Herds of animals were brought into Ghana after it was invaded. The animals ate the grass and left the soil exposed to desert winds. The desert winds blew the soil away making the land impossible to farm on. Farmers left because they could not farm anymore.
Internal Rebellion is the last reason for Ghana’s Decline In about 1200 a country Ghana invaded rebelled. Within a few years, the rebels had taken over the entire empire of Ghana. Once in control, the rebels found that they could not keep order in Ghana. Ghana was destroyed by one of its neighbors and it fell apart.
Which of the following is the group who invaded Ghana? A ) Almoravids B) Barbarians C) Ottomans D) Janaissaries
Which of the following was the reason that the farmers had to find a new home? A) They could farm good and nothing was wrong B) The wind blew away all the grass. C) The animals ate all the grass and left the soil open to the wind. D) The rain ruined all the grass and they couldn’t grow any crops.
What was the last reason for Ghana’s decline? A) They got rebelled against and Ghana fell apart B) The barbarians came and attacked them. C) A tornado came and destroyed all of Ghana D) All of the above
Why did the Almoravids invade Ghana? A) They just wanted to B) They wanted gold and salt C) They wanted Ghana to convert to Islam D) They needed money
Which of the following was the reason for Ghana’s decline? A) The Almoravid invasion B) The animals ate the grass and drove away all the farmers C) People rebelled against Ghana D) All of the above