By Rocco & Jonah
Once in a small town there was a weird animal named Falaz. Falaz has a dragon head, tiger body, and elephant legs. He is 20 feet tall. And every time he moved. It would shock the ground So loud people ran from the city of Brushmen.
Each day, the wind got fast and the sky got darker. The people of Brushmen went into there house’s. And lit there torches but there was one problem the wind blew the torches out.
At the bank there was a robber. He was very sneaky. The lights were out so the people couldn't see anything. The bank robber just got into the back of the bank he grabbed 300 monkey money. He just got to the door and all the sudden there was a shock then Falaz stepped on him. And this time the people at the bank didn't run instead they hugged Falaz and Falaz Smiled. And from that day on kids played with Falaz and he helped other people too. And that’s how we have power now. The End