1 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 RSVP-TE based Impairments Collection Mechanism Zafar Ali, Roberto Cassata (Cisco Systems) Marco Anisetti, Valerio Bellandi, Ernesto Damiani, Francesco Diana, Umberto Raimondi (University of Milan) T. Otani (KDDI R&D Laboratories)
222 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Outline Scope Impairments Identification and Collection Proposed RSVP-TE extensions Impairments signaling scenarios
333 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Scope Definition, terminology, measurement techniques, encoding techniques for optical impairments are out side the scope of this document. The document relies on ITU-T recommendations for this purpose (e.g., [G.680]). [RFC4054] provides an overview of some critical optical impairments and the associated routing related issues. Framework document elaborates on how these impairments can be used in the control plane. The draft proposes an RSVP-TE based mechanism to collect and evaluate optical impairments measured or estimated at the optical nodes along the light-path.
444 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Motivation The proposed technique is suitable for optical networks that suffer of physical dysfunction due the non-ideal optical transmission medium and/or to critical situations (e.g., a fiber cut). In these scenario even if every node along the path is connected, the reachability of the end node with an acceptable signal quality is not guaranteed. The proposed technique can be used for fault isolation.
555 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Impairments Collection The term impairments refer to real optical measurements or estimates computed using a prediction model. Real optical measurements may require mutually exclusive access to hardware to avoid interference, in which case the impairments required a blocking collection type. The impairments computed using a prediction model can be collected in a non-blocking fashion. Consequently, every optical node resource can be in three states: unlock, lock-requested or lock.
666 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Optical Impairments Encoding Optical Impairments encoding is out side the scope of this document. Preliminary encoding presented to ITU Q6 on June 25, 2008 (Munich meeting) as WD6-23 Preliminarily approved by Q6; confirmation requested to Q11. Single source for all protocols dealing with evidence transport.
777 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 This TLV defines which type of impairments needs to be collected in the Path message. E-type (Impairments Type, 8 bits): Impairments identifier encoded as per [WD6-23]. E.g., 0 for Signal power, 1 for OSNR etc. Impairments Collection Request TLV
888 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 This TLV records the impairment's values of the LSP defined in the Impairments Collection Request TLV. WavelengthID: According to [WD6-23], This field identifies the wavelength. If it is measured/estimated aggregate impairments, this field is set to 0. IPv4/IPv6 Address: The address of the Node. Evidence Value: Estimated or measured evidence value according to [WD6-23]. E.g., the Signal Optical Power as 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number, padded as necessary. Impairments recording TLV
999 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 None Blocking Impairment Collection PXC1 PXC2 Path Message Resv Message Impairments Collection Request TLV Impairments Recording TLV Free Impairments Reading
10 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Administrative Status Object Extension We propose and extension to Administrative status object by adding two bits for locking purpose Blocking node (B): 1 bit. When set, indicates that locking procedure is proceeding. Confirm blocking (C): 1 bit. When set, indicates that the locking procedure is successfully.
11 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Blocking Impairments Collection: Case I PXC1 PXC2 B=1 C=1 R=1 B=1 C=1 R=1 B=1 C=1 R=1 B=1 C=1 R=0 B=1 C=1 R=0 B=1 C=1 R=0 Unlock Locked Lock Required All nodes ready for impairments collection
12 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 PXC1 PXC2 B=1 C=1 R=1 B=1 C=0 R=1 B=1 C=1 R=1 B=1 C=0 R=0 B=1 C=0 R=0 B=1 C=0 R=0 Unlock Locked Lock Required Blocking Impairments Collection: Case II Some node(s) blocked by another impairments collection
13 73th IETF, CCAMP WG, Minneapolis, MN, USA November 2008 Thank You.