Introduction to Pipeline Neuroscience Brian L. Edlow, MS4 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine January 10, 2007 Brian L. Edlow, MS4 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine January 10, 2007
Pipeline History The Pipeline Neuroscience Program was founded in 1997 The Pipeline Neuroscience Program was founded in 1997 You are the 10th Pipeline Class! You are the 10th Pipeline Class! The Pipeline Neuroscience Program was founded in 1997 The Pipeline Neuroscience Program was founded in 1997 You are the 10th Pipeline Class! You are the 10th Pipeline Class!
Pipeline Philosophy Everyone is a teacher! Everyone is a learner!
Who Else Will the Sayre Students Teach? Family and Friends in the Community Each Other Family and Friends in the Community Each Other
Course Goals 1.To develop a working knowledge of neuroanatomy, neuroscience, and clinical neurology 2.To form relationships with mentors who can help guide you on your chosen educational and career path 3.To find pleasure and fulfillment in the pursuit of new knowledge NO GRADES!
Case 1: Traumatic Brain Injury Weeks 1 to 3
Introduction to Brain Imaging and Neurosurgery Week 4
Case 2: Cocaine Addiction Weeks 5 to 7
Introduction to Clinical Research Week 8
Case 3: Alzheimer’s Disease Weeks 9 to 11
Career Day Week 12 Neurologists Neurosurgeons Nurses Nurse Practitioners MRI technicians PhD Researchers
Final Projects Weeks 13 and 14 Independent Research Creative Thinking Teamwork Public Speaking