Presentation and explanation Presented by : Manal Arar
In order to learn something new students need first to understand it, the teacher job is to mediate such new material to be accessible for initial learning,The kind of mediation may be called a presentation. (introduce a new word or grammatical structure, Initial encounter with comprehensible input in the form of spoken or written texts, as well as various kind of explanation, instruction and discussion of new language items or tasks ).
*effective teacher s presentation of new material contributions can help to activate and harness learners attention effort, intelligenous enhance learning. *This doesn’t mean every bit of the language, sound,word ….. needs to be consciously introduced Or they introduced diversity, *moreover, presentation may be given after they have engaged with language or during the discussion
We learn first language mostly by exposing learners to the language phenomena without instructional intervention, however learners who have a time of repeated and different exposure to such input will understand and absorb it. They may be given after learners have already engaged the language in question,during discussion. The ability to mediate a new material or instruct effectively is an essential skills,It enables the teacher to facilitate learners entry into and understanding of new material, and thus promotes further learning.
What happens in an effective presentation ? 1-Attention learners are alert, focus attention in teacher, teacher has to make sure that students are attending, it helps if the target material is perceived as interesting in itself. 2-Perception, material should be audible and visible repetition, writing. 3-Understanding, (Perception of reality) connects the material with things of already known. 4-Short –term memory Learners need to take the material to short -team memory (remember it). The more original presentation has, such as (colorful, dramatic, pictures …) the better learners remember, they learn better if they see the materials.
1-reading words the teacher has based her presentation on filling any word in the gap then to read the sentence He presented the material with intellectual and personal association with vocabulary, this has positive effect on retention,as well as mediation and raising students motivation to read the material.
The aim of this presentation is to learn student the dialogue by the heart,The teacher present the material with numerous repetition Learning a dialogue *it is important to make sure that the dialogue is meaningful and interesting, it is important to engage student intellectual or emotional faculties,and to understand its meaning.
Accusations Resourceful teacher exploits specific real time event to teach a language function, it has atypical grammar and intonation pattern.. A soliloquy : is a device often used in drama when a character speaks to himself or herself, relating thoughts and feelings, thereby also sharing them with the audience, giving off the illusion of being a series of unspoken reflections. If other characters are present, they keep silent and/or are disregarded by the speaker.
Explanation and instruction Explanation of the new material always needs explicit descriptions or concepts definition. One kind of explanation that is very important in teaching is instruction; introducing learning tasks that entails some measures of independent student activity. Giving instruction 1-Stage one: Experience instead of explanation (let your students apply materials). teaching ask for volunteers then give them instructions and the group start performing the task. 2-Stage 2 : Discussion
Guidelines on giving effective explanations and instructions. 1-Prepare, think about the words that you will use, the illustration you will provide. 2-Present the information more than once, represent or paraphrase and repeat the material. 3- make sure you have class full attention. give students the chance to get some vital information,if you want to divide the class to groups you can give instructions for all class first,once they are in groups, learners attention will be naturally directed to each other rather than to their teacher.
4-be brief 5- illustrate with examples, first explain the meaning of a word then, illustrate your explanations in various contexts. 6- Get feed back,Ask your students to check their understanding; such to paraphrase in their own words, summarize criticize material.