Grants Management Policies and Procedures
Requirements for Submitting a Carry Over Budget (COB) Detailed description of the objectives/goals not completed Detailed description of the objectives/goals not completed Explanation as to why the objectives/goals were not completed Explanation as to why the objectives/goals were not completed Explanation of how the unmet objectives/goals will be met in the subsequent year Explanation of how the unmet objectives/goals will be met in the subsequent year Explanation regarding the impact to the project should the request be denied Explanation regarding the impact to the project should the request be denied Detailed budget and budget justification that supports the work to be completed and the proportionate non-Federal share (25%) Detailed budget and budget justification that supports the work to be completed and the proportionate non-Federal share (25%) Copy of the current indirect cost rate agreement, if charging indirect in the carry over Copy of the current indirect cost rate agreement, if charging indirect in the carry over Original copy of the SF424 signed by the authorizing representative Original copy of the SF424 signed by the authorizing representative SF424A SF424A
Carry Over Budget (COB) In addition, IF the person who has authorizing signature responsibilities for your grant has changed since you last submitted paperwork to ADD, include an official letter from the University/designated entity that states that this change has taken place. In addition, IF the person who has authorizing signature responsibilities for your grant has changed since you last submitted paperwork to ADD, include an official letter from the University/designated entity that states that this change has taken place. All carry over requests must be submitted on official University/designated entity letter head. All carry over requests must be submitted on official University/designated entity letter head.
Documents to Submit When Requesting Approval for New UCEDD Director Copy of proposed Director’s CV Copy of proposed Director’s CV Description of major responsibilities as UCEDD Director and how the responsibilities compares to that of the former director Description of major responsibilities as UCEDD Director and how the responsibilities compares to that of the former director Description of how the new Director will manage the UCEDD and implementation of the UCEDD core functions: Description of how the new Director will manage the UCEDD and implementation of the UCEDD core functions: Interdisciplinary preservice preparation and continuing education Interdisciplinary preservice preparation and continuing education Community services (e.g., training, technical assistance, model demonstration of services) Community services (e.g., training, technical assistance, model demonstration of services) Research Research Information Dissemination Information Dissemination Summary of qualifications of proposed Director to manage and oversee the UCEDD Summary of qualifications of proposed Director to manage and oversee the UCEDD
Documents to be Submitted When Requesting Approval for Interim UCEDD Director Copy of proposed Interim Director’s CV Copy of proposed Interim Director’s CV Description of major responsibilities as Interim UCEDD Director and how the responsibilities compares to that of the former director Description of major responsibilities as Interim UCEDD Director and how the responsibilities compares to that of the former director Description of how the Interim Director will manage the UCEDD and implementation of the UCEDD core functions (e.g., Interdisciplinary preservice preparation and continuing education, Community services, Research, and Information Dissemination) during the transition period Description of how the Interim Director will manage the UCEDD and implementation of the UCEDD core functions (e.g., Interdisciplinary preservice preparation and continuing education, Community services, Research, and Information Dissemination) during the transition period Timeline and methods for recruitment of a permanent Director Timeline and methods for recruitment of a permanent Director
Continuation Applications Apply every year for core funds Apply every year for core funds Typically occurs in the Spring (after the federal budget has been approved) Typically occurs in the Spring (after the federal budget has been approved) Provide brief summary of progress and describe activities for next fiscal year Provide brief summary of progress and describe activities for next fiscal year