Legislative Update
CONGRESSWOMAN NAPOLITANO’S HR 291 WATER IN THE 21 ST CENTURY ACT WATER CONSERVATION : $750 Million over 5 years for EPA’s WaterSense Programs Incentives for water efficiency products and appliances, landscaping and buildings WATER RECYCLING : $700 Million in grants and $500 Million in loan guarantees over 5 years from Dept. of Interior for water recycling, groundwater improvements and water infrastructure projects. STORMWATER: Creates a new EPA Grant Program from water agencies and cities to fund Stormwater projects to meet the needs of LA Stormwater Permit. 31 Co-Sponsors of the Bill!
Senator Feinstein’s SB 2533 California drought relief bill Bill Introduced Feb 10, 2016 WaterSMART: Authorizes $150 Million in increased funds for the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART program to help fiancé water reclamation and reuse projects as well as water efficiency initiatives. This allows money to be spent on groundwater recharge stormwater projects. Congresswoman Napolitano Worked with Senator Feinstein on Bill
Clean Water SRF (State Revolving Fund) Program Congresswoman Napolitano preparing legislation to reauthorize the grant program and provide local governments with funds to implement the permit.
LA Division of League of CA Cities January 27, 2016 letter to METRO Requesting the METRO Board to add dedicated funding for Green Streets Programs into METRO’s proposed ballot measure (PBM) Green Streets programs should be prioritized to address the strong link between transportation projects and surface water pollution. It has long been known that automobiles, trucks and busses generate substantial water pollution, from copper in break pads, zinc in tires, antifreeze and oils and grease dripping onto the pavement, as well as numerous pollutants from exhaust discharges. We believe that the environmental cleanup and Green Streets program should be established at 2% of gross annual revenues outside of the Local Return programs.