Nebulas and Galaxies have been around since the “Big Bang” The big bang happen about 13.7 Billion years ago! The “Big Bang” created many Galaxies. Astromers believe that there are over a million Galaxies out there. That’s a whole lot going on in our universe. And in each Galaxies there is a star. Which blows up, and later creates beautiful cloud like shapes called Nebulas. This is an example of a Spiral Galaxy. This is the Galaxy we live in. The “Milky Way”
Nebulas are the remains of supernovas. A supernova is an exploding star that can become three times as bright as the sun. When a supernova occurs. All the dust particles, gas, and Dupree collect up. Creating a Nebula. These Nebulas can create many stars like our sun. Some stars can be brighter then others. Some Nebulas are so huge and Gargantuan, that they can span across many light years. They are so many different types of Nebulas out there. And astronomers have found over a dozen already. This is an example of a Supernova. Orion Nebula
There are different types of Galaxies. There is the Spiral Galaxy which resembles a pinwheel. With arms spiraling out. Elliptical Galaxies have almost a shape that is a Complete sphere. Irregular Galaxies lack a simple shape. Some Irregular Galaxies have just blue stars or big clouds of gas. Spiral Galaxy Irregular Galaxy Elliptical Galaxy
There are also different kinds of Nebulas. A Diffuse Nebula may be around an extremely hot star. Diffuse Nebulas has so much gas and dust it can create over 100,000 stars like our sun. A Planetary Nebula has a weird appearance. This type of Nebula has nothing to do with planets. An emission Nebula is a Nebula that can emits its own light, This means it can give of different colors of light. Planetary Nebula Diffuse Nebula An Emission Nebula
In the Nebulas atmosphere there would be a lot of dust and gas from the supernova remains. You would be surrounded by hydrogen gas and Helium. In the atmosphere of a galaxy. There are many stars, comets, asteroids, and other planets. Because there is no oxygen, It would be impossible to breathe unless you were wearing a space suit.
The Helix nebula in the constellation Aquarius is the closest planetary nebula to Earth. It is 650 light-years away and about 2.5 light years in diameter. The nebula Helix! The Milky Way is said to have many neighbors but the closest one is Andromeda. There is a galaxy that within the Milky Way itself, The Canis Major Dwarf. It is our galaxies diner. Galaxy is about 42,000 light years from the galactic center which puts it closer to us than our own galaxy!
If you went to a nebula. It would probably be the best experience you will ever have in you life! The Beautiful shape clouds that can give of amazing colors. Who knew that a cloud of dust and gas can be so Magnificent. If we went to a new galaxy. We might think twice before touching ground in one of the new planets. There could be people like us, or AliEnS!! OMG!
Let me ask you this… Do you think life can exist in a cloud full of hydrogen, Helium, and dust… No right? Life cant exist here. But yet it can be created. No one knows if there is life in any of the other Galaxies we have found. If there was, we might want to avoid contact. They might want to conquer us and eat our brains. Give me your BRAIN!! Alpha 24 were gunna need some backup. We got us an Alien