Streams & Rivers Q. What is runoff? A. Water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground. Q. What is runoff? A. Water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground.
Wetlands Q. Why are the Everglades worth preserving? A. Many endangered species live there. Q. Why are the Everglades worth preserving? A. Many endangered species live there.
Name That Word! Q.The area of soil in which the pores are totally filled with water. A. saturated zone Q. An underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water. A. aquifer
Streams & Rivers Q. Nature of the ground surface, rate of rainfall, slope of the land (flat or hilly)… what do these factors determine? A. Whether water soaks into the ground or flows over as runoff. Q. Nature of the ground surface, rate of rainfall, slope of the land (flat or hilly)… what do these factors determine? A. Whether water soaks into the ground or flows over as runoff.
Groundwater Q. Where can you find groundwater? Be specific. A. In the saturated zone, permeable layer, or at the water table Q. Where can you find groundwater? Be specific. A. In the saturated zone, permeable layer, or at the water table
Name That Word Q. A ridge of land that separates one watershed from another. A. divide Q. The land area that supplies water to a river system. A. watershed Q. The land area that supplies water to a river system. A. watershed
Name That Word Q. A smaller stream or river that feeds into a main river. A.tributary Q. A smaller stream or river that feeds into a main river. A.tributary Q. A river and all of its tributaries. A. river system Q. A river and all of its tributaries. A. river system
Name That Process Q. Process by which soil and fragments of rock are deposited in a new location. A. deposition Q. Process by which soil and fragments of rock are deposited in a new location. A. deposition
Name That Word! Q. Materials that allow water to easily pass through them. A. permeable Q. Materials that allow water to easily pass through them. A. permeable Q. What are two ways that water comes to the surface naturally? A.springs & geysers Q. What are two ways that water comes to the surface naturally? A.springs & geysers
Name That Section! Q. Which Aquifer, A or B, is more likely to produce an artesian well? A. B Q. Which Aquifer, A or B, is more likely to produce an artesian well? A. B
Streams & Rivers Q. Slope, volume of water, and shape of channel. A. Factors affecting the speed of a river. Q. Slope, volume of water, and shape of channel. A. Factors affecting the speed of a river.
Name That Section of the River! Q. The many small streams that come together at the source of the river. A. headwaters Q. The river meanders through this flat section of land. A. flood plain Q. The river meanders through this flat section of land. A. flood plain
Name That Word! Q. The top of the saturated zone. A. water table Q. Materials that water cannot pass through easily. A. impermeable Q. Materials that water cannot pass through easily. A. impermeable
Name That Word Q. What is shown in the picture? A. oxbow lake Q. What is shown in the picture? A. oxbow lake
Name That Section! Q. What is located at letter A? A. headwaters Q. What is located at letter A? A. headwaters
Name That Process Q. Process by which fragments of soil and rock are broken off from the ground surface and carried away. A. erosion Q. Process by which fragments of soil and rock are broken off from the ground surface and carried away. A. erosion
Name That Section! Q. What is located at letter D? A. tributary Q. What is located at letter D? A. tributary
Stream and Rivers Q. If there is an increase in the amount of water in a river, how does this change the speed of the river? A. The river will flow faster. Q. If there is an increase in the amount of water in a river, how does this change the speed of the river? A. The river will flow faster.
Name That Section! Q. What is located at letter E? At F? A.oxbow lake and meander Q. What is located at letter E? At F? A.oxbow lake and meander
Name That Word Q. What happens when the volume of water in a river increases so much that the river overflows its channels? A. flood Q. What happens when the volume of water in a river increases so much that the river overflows its channels? A. flood
Groundwater Q. If you would like to obtain groundwater when you drill a well, where should you drill to? A. into an aquifer or below the water table Q. If you would like to obtain groundwater when you drill a well, where should you drill to? A. into an aquifer or below the water table
Name That Word! Q. A long ridge formed by deposits of sediments alongside a river channel. A. levee Q. A long ridge formed by deposits of sediments alongside a river channel. A. levee Q. A barrier across a river that may redirect the flow of a river to other channels or store the water in an artificial lake. A. dam Q. A barrier across a river that may redirect the flow of a river to other channels or store the water in an artificial lake. A. dam
Name That Word Q. An area of land covered with a shallow layer of water during some or all of the year. A. wetland Q. An area of land covered with a shallow layer of water during some or all of the year. A. wetland
Name That Word! Q.New water that enters an aquifer from the surface. A. recharge Q. A well in which water rises because of pressure within the aquifer. A. artesian well
Rivers and Streams Q. How is an oxbow lake related to a meander? A. When the river breaks through the ends of a meander, the cut off body of water that remains is the crescent shaped oxbow lake. Q. How is an oxbow lake related to a meander? A. When the river breaks through the ends of a meander, the cut off body of water that remains is the crescent shaped oxbow lake.
Wetlands Q. How do wetlands help control flooding? A. By absorbing extra runoff from heavy rains. Q. How do wetlands help control flooding? A. By absorbing extra runoff from heavy rains.