Steps of The Scientific Method 1.Purpose/Question (Why we are doing the experiment) 2.Background Information (What do we already know that will help us) 3.Hypothesis (What do you predict will happen – be specific) 4.Experiment (do the lab) 5.Data/Analysis (what did results of the experiment mean) 6.Conclusion (Present Finding and restate hypothesis)
The Scientific Method The set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world. Observations Learning about the natural world and the principles that explain these facts through the 5 senses. Reasoning Induction: Using several separate observations to arrive at general principles. Deduction: Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions.
The Scientific Method (cont’d) Constructing the Hypothesis A statement about the world that might be true and is testable (can be proven right or wrong). Testing a Hypothesis/Experiment Scientists create situations to test hypotheses instead of relying on simple observations of nature. Independent Variable: The factor that is being tested and is changed. Dependent Variable: The factor that is responding to the changes of the independent variable. Controlled Variable: The factor that remains constant so that it does not affect the experiment.
The Scientific Method (cont’d) Scientific Theory When a hypothesis has been so extensively tested that it is generally regarded as true. However, scientific theory can be proven false if there is enough evidence to disprove it.
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