What are archetypes ? Models of people, behaviours, or personalities. They stem from people’s “collective unconscious”: we are born with them present within us. Despite being a modern term, Epics had a number of prominent archetypes.
The Hero Unusual birth: royal or divine parent(s), prophesised birth. Leaves family and lives with others. Forced into quest due to traumatic circumstances. Special/magical weapon. Assistance granted by gods or God.
The Father Stern, authoritative, powerful, masculine. Associated with law, order, and discipline. Positive father figures: judges, kings, leaders, fathers, and gods. Negative father figures: those who overreach themselves (usurpers, tyrants).
Wise Old Man Guidance, knowledge, wisdom. Personification of masculine spirit. Wise Woman would be his opposite
The Maiden Innocence, purity, desire. Can be reckless and self- destructive, or dutiful and obedient.
Persona How we present ourselves to the world. Latin for mask The figurative masks we wear in different settings and with different people.