Good Day This is your Disability Employment Initiative MYTHS Training ENJOY Click here to begin
In 2007 my One-Stop Career Center performed an accessibility survey, got an electronic door opener and some ramps installed at the entrance, set up an accessible computer station in the resource room, and did a whole bunch of other stuff. This was a major process that we undertook and, as a result… TRUE FALSE My One-Stop now has the capacity to effectively serve customers with disabilities!
While being able to get in the door to access job search resources within a One- Stop is certainly the first step to ensuring equal opportunity, building the capacity to serve and accommodate a diverse population of job seekers on all levels of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)-funded system is integral to achieving universal access. Please try again! Not Quite… Go Back “You are almost halfway there, Bob!”
CORRECT!!! Many workforce systems throughout the country have developed a better understanding that building the capacity of the One-Stops to effectively serve job seekers with disabilities and other challenges to employment takes more than modifying a building to comply with the ADA, installing adaptive technology, or mandating disability awareness training. For more information check out DEI Myth #2. End Show