Installing Sage 300 c Alexi Yannoulatos 1/7/2016
The new Sage 300c
What is the new Sage 300c? Microsoft SQL Server Business Logic for Applications (GL, AP, AR, IC, OE, PO, PJC, Payroll plus 3 rd party applications developed from the SDK ) Desktop Application (Microsoft Windows VB Screens and Custom Macros) Browser Application (HTML5 Screens run in multiple browsers and devices)
ASP.Net MVC Kendo UI Knockout.JS JQuery JSON HTML C# JavaScript LINQ.NET Managed API ACCPAC Business Views
The Home Page
A new face
AR Invoice Entry Screen
You can now access Sage 300c from multiple devices
Same ability you have today with added benefit of mobility Outside the office Inside the office
Inventory managers may use tablets instead of clipboards to review orders, shipments, and inventory
My sales people now have access from a tablet anytime, anywhere.
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